“新吉他之神” 約翰梅爾,睽違四年終於要發行新專輯。《SOB ROCK》是約翰梅爾個人的第八張錄音室專輯,首先釋出的EP《Last Train Home》包含了四首即將在新專輯中收錄的四首歌;包含 Last Train Home、New Light、Carry Me Away,以及 I Guess I Just Feel Like You。

隨著新專輯即將釋出,約翰梅爾也順勢為自己打造名為 Sob Rock 的曲風。他在自己的推特上提出了四種為 Sob Rock 解釋的圖片;分別是 Sob Rock 是我想你的搖滾、是能放鬆的搖滾、是舒適夜晚般的搖滾,和讓你無限循環的搖滾。但從先釋出的四首歌裡的歌詞來看,說不定Sob Rock 其實就是會聽來後啜泣的新搖滾曲風。
關於新專輯《SOB ROCK》的其他資訊,約翰梅爾把他情場浪子撩人的風格發揮得淋漓盡致。
「(關於新專輯) 我會這樣做;接下來沒有我新歌的一天,都是我更努力把音樂做好的一天,因為我要讓每一位聽的人都能好好享受。」約翰梅爾
John Mayer, the new guitar gods, is going to release his 8th studio album, SOB ROCK, next month (16th July). Before we die for this new music, he released an EP to save our life. This EP has fours song that will include in his coming up album, such as Last Train Home, New Light, Carry Me Away, and I Guess I Just Feel Like You.
Alongside Mayer’s new album, he also unveiled a new genre named Sob Rock on his Twitter. To explain this music style, he uploaded four photos to make it easier for everyone. For example, Sob Rock is I miss you Rock, Sob Rock is Relaxed it Rock, Sob Rock is 70-degree Rock, and Sob Rock is repeated Rock.
However, from the four songs we have now, perhaps, Sob Rock is just the Rock that will make you sob.
About the new album SOB ROCK, so far, we know nothing but figure Mayer is going to let us wait.
“I’ll put it like this: every day you have to go without my new music is another day I can work harder to make sure it gets heard by as many people as [sic] might enjoy it. - John Mayer
“I hope you’ll think it’s worth the wait.” - John Mayer