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Victoria Beckham 早秋22系列繼夢露後再挑戰女性曲線/ Victoria Beckham Pre A/W 22 Challenged The Shape of Women's Body

Dylan Tang

某作家曾說過一句「如果能簡單,誰想要複雜」看到這句話的當下的確讓人莞爾一笑,因為你不知道這句話到底是佳句還是毫無意義的一段話。不過能確定的是,這句話可以巧妙地轉換到 Victoria Beckham 的早秋2022系列中。因為,她的最新系列優雅、銳利,富有塑造性。


Victoria Beckham 的早秋2022系列再次將女性應有的權利再做詮釋。其中的細節如女性的氣質、女性的感性、和女性的生活。這一季Victoria Beckham 的設計意圖強烈,服裝實際的展現也讓人不著實佩服。會這樣說是有來由的;綜觀歷史,女權的確是在50年代後才逐漸受到注目,自好萊塢女星- 瑪麗蓮夢露解放女性曲線後更讓人對女性身體的視野更加寬闊。因此,Victoria Beckham 這次讓女性能完全掌握自己身上穿的每一套服裝。外露的拉鍊、蕾絲布料下的酸螢色宛如皮膚散發的光澤。

此外,Victoria Beckham 也以不犧牲舒適或輕鬆的情況下重新發現結構服裝。她巧妙的發揮服裝內的小細節取代傳統的生硬剪裁,並使用羊毛和其他布料來做針織技法。

更細節來說,這個早秋系列以樸實的綠色和巧克力棕色呈現,點綴著超亮色調、橙色和蘋果綠。富有手感的布料包含塗層羊毛、彈力天鵝絨,與新的 VB 字母組合在一起,出現在真絲斜紋布和針織品上。這個系列具有功能性但也不失時髦感,Victoria Beckham 再次以服裝設計來慶祝女性的成功。


Once upon a time, there's a popular author once said, "If it can be simple, who wants to be complicated?" It's a sentence that could be meaningful or meaningless. However, it can be subtly translated into Victoria Beckham's Pre Autumn Winter 2022 collection. Beautiful, Meaningful and Transformable.

Structured. Considered. Uncomplicated.

This season the Victoria Beckham woman is reclaiming the right to celebrate her femininity, her sensuality, her way. A sense of ownership underpins the collection, pieces are versatile and transformative, allowing for the wearer to have complete control; zips reveal, or cover, lace inserts show an acid-bright layer underneath, or a flash of skin.

There is rediscovery of structure, without sacrificing comfort or ease. Utilitarian details replace more traditional tailoring, in soft wool and compact jersey. Rendered in earthy shades of green and chocolate brown, the collection is punctuated with ultra-bright shades, orange and apple green. Tactile fabrics – a coated wool, a stretch velvet, sit alongside a new VB monogram, on silk twill and knitwear. This collection is functional yet flattering, a celebration of form.



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