UNIFORME PARIS 推出了命名為 ‘太陽風暴’ 的 2018春夏男裝;
這一次的設計構想是將情境轉換設定在 「一位年輕的英國男生為了在暑假的期間參加了夏令營,而從他的衣櫃裡該有的配件作為設計靈感。」
UNIFORME PARIS 的2018春夏男裝除了有特別的設計理念以外,也找來了模特兒 Gio Straniero 和攝影師 Eber Figueira 一起呈現這個夏日男孩們的青春感受。
UNIFORME PARIS unveiled spring/summer 2018 lookbook named 'Summer Storm'
This collection is about a young English boy who is going to attend a boot camp during summer time. Hence, the idea was put yourself in this shoes, tried to imaging what garments will be in a young English adolescent.
This lookbook isn't just have a beautiful story but featured model Gio Straniero and photographer Eber Figueira.
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