法國時裝品牌Celine 為旗下Skate Collection 推出了全新的時裝廣告。在這個廣告裡頭,創意總監 Hedi Slimane 親自掌鏡並找來了年輕模特兒 Harvey Morgan 以及 Renat 來演繹他腦海中的時尚宇宙。
Celine by Hedi Slimane 一直都有許多死忠的支持者,這一次在西班牙伊比薩取景的時尚廣告,不僅在度假勝地注入法國的浪漫氣息外,更透過品牌力將許久無法出國度假的人們,一次帶到西班牙的伊比薩重溫度假時光。
Celine unveiled its latest campaign for Skate Collection. The creative director of this French fashion house, Hedi Slimane, featuring models Harvey Morgan and Renat. In addition, Slimane lensed two young models by himself. Perhaps, he is the only one who can present his fashion universe.
Celine by Hedi Slimane has a bunch of followers; why? Maybe it’s because of Hedi Slimane’s fame or Celine’s high quality. This time, the Skate Collection Campaign brought us to Ibiza, Spain. Why Slimane wanted to pin this island for photography? Guessing he tried to remind us that even the virus locked us down. Ibiza is still a good place for vacation. Never forget it.