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火神的眼淚 對消防員致敬/ Tears On Fire, a tribute to firefighters

Dylan Tang








對演員來說,將一部作品演好是最基本的工作,但是要在嚴肅的話題中傳播歡樂的氣息卻也得靠著平時累積的默契。導演透露很多可愛的互動很多都是演員臨場反應加戲產生的。林柏宏說:「因為我們在拍攝前就一起訓練,所以培養了一些時間的默契,才能在拍戲時自然的丟接球,像在同安分隊裡和阿忠(夏騰宏 飾)的互嘴橋段幾乎都是直接來。」謝章穎也笑說:「學長姐們現場都會有即興的靈感與經驗上的分享,跟他們對戲時都會很放鬆也很安心,所以可以擦出很多精彩的火花,這週播出的大胃王比賽、過期的花生醬那一段也是我跟冠廷學長現場對戲時臨場加的,很高興觀眾會喜歡,未來會繼續努力吃東西的。」逗趣的表演讓沉重的劇情增加不少歡樂氣氛。





Tears On Fire has finally broadcast in Taiwan, and the first episode set an average rating at 1.11. According to the Ministry of Culture, a rating of 1% means that an average of 226,000 people watched it. This drama will awaken Taiwan's respect for the unsung heroes and make everyone recall how hard the firefighter profession is.

Director Tsai Yin-Chuan said, "In addition to discussing the professional dilemma of firefighters, we can see more nature of human and life and death issues through the daily duties of firefighters. Every episode will hide some issues to be discussed in society. If audiences can notice that, I will be pleased."

Multiple Personalities Reflect The Way of Lives

In Tears On Fire, each character has a very distinct personality. Although the character is virtual, it also indirectly reflects that every firefighter in real life. For example, the precious humanity when it conflicts with iron discipline. On the other hand, although the plot is realistic, every actor is not a professional firefighter. Therefore, each of them has to study harder, and it perhaps leaves something special after the show has wrapped.

The leading actor Austin Lin recalled the scene "It's difficult to give the patient an intravenous injection. Because you have to push the syringe at the scene, it's a complicated movement, so I brought back many medicine bottles and syringes home and practised. So that's why my fingers were bleeding."

Another leading actor James Wen also mentioned, "While we were shooting a scene, there's a cold wave hit us. Most of us on the shooting site lost our temperature, our faces and lips went purple. Also, there was a scene that we have to rescue a boy. It was not easy to get into the cabinet to rescue the little boy, but we have to carry 20 kilograms. And I realised Firefighters are a very powerful and respectable job."

Serious with joy

For actors, acting well is the basic, but spread joy in serious topics is a different story. The director revealed that many of the interesting interactions were created by the actors' interaction. Austin Lin said: "Because we trained together before shooting, we have cultivated some time of understanding so that we can give feedback naturally during the filming." Hsieh Chang-Ying also said, "Other actors would have impromptu inspiration and sharing of experience on the spot. That's why I can be very relaxed when acting with them."

Producer Tang Sheng-Rong said: "We look forward to not only the firefighters watch our drama but can make everyone feel heartfelt in their life. Whether it is women-right in the workplace, the choice between SOP and human nature or the dilemma between family and work are all life issues. After watching Tears On Fire, I hope the empathise with the hard work of firefighters could know more about the difficulties encountered by the people who guard us."

Cherish Everyone And Everything

In the TV series Tears On Fire, Austin plays a firefighter with a sense of justice. As long as he puts on a fireproof outfit, he becomes a brave man in the flames. Recalling the training before shooting, Austin said, “As long as they are at work, they are fighting, and they feel that life is in their hands. If they make a wrong step, then precious lives may disappear.”

Photos Courtesy of Public Television Service & myVideo

林柏宏大片 Austin's Editorial © TAIKER Magazine 臺客雜誌


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