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臺客雜誌 nº03 'DREAM OF LIFE' / TAIKER Magazine nº03 'DREAM OF LIFE'

Dylan Tang

“Deep in my heart How the presence of you shines In a light to last a whole life through I recall the wonder of it all Each dream of life I'll share with you”

Patti Smith, Dream Of Life (1988)

不管你在哪個時代出生、不管你是 X世代、Y世代還是Z世代;





臺客雜誌將在八月三十一日推出第四刊 ‘DREAM OF LIFE'

在這一本以夢想為主題的雜誌裡,臺客雜誌希望透過與來自 McFly 的Danny Jones、英國獨立民謠歌手 Jake Bugg、演員暨模特兒Craig McGinlay 一起再度賦予夢想價值;並且藉由倫敦男裝週、義大利 Pitti Uomo 的2018春夏男裝系列,讓各位相信,仍然有一群人在創作著屬於他們自己的夢想。

“Deep in my heart How the presence of you shines In a light to last a whole life through I recall the wonder of it all Each dream of life I'll share with you”

Patti Smith, Dream Of Life (1988)

Generation X, Generation Y or Generation Z. As long as you are still dreaming, it doesn’t really matter which generation you were born in. Dream your paradise, dream your virtues, and dream your marvels but most importantly, dream to live.

We often abandon our will to dream due to the anarchic conditions that plague our world. We begin to fall victims to the daunting digits sitting in our bank accounts and slaves to the number of followers we manage to muster on social media. The dream of life has never been further away from us as until now.

However, it is the phrase “Men are great for the dreams they have,” by Friedrich Nietzsche that keeps me fixated on all the things I find dear to me. I believe that dreams can be continued and stay meaningful in every way, hence, through words and images we can finally embrace the courage to dream again.

TAIKER Magazine issue03 'DREAM OF LIFE' publish on 31st of August.

In this issue, TAIKER MAGAZINE explores the DREAM OF LIFE with Danny Jones, Craig McGinlay, and Jake Bugg. In addition, we will showcase the latest Spring/Summer 2018 collection from Pitti Uomo and London Fashion Week Men’s.



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