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臺客雜誌 ISSUE 08總編輯的話/ TAIKER Magazine ISSUE 08 Editor’s Note

Dylan Tang

對你來說 Power 這個字的意思是什麼?


我們每個人都在為自己的生活尋找不同可能;我們認真工作、認真喝酒、認真談戀愛,認真的為明天做好準備。不管這條路有多麽曲折,我們總能為自己找到堅持下去的動力。就好比像我們喜歡一個人,我們總是能夠絞盡腦汁地吸引對方注意;就好比像我們喜歡某件事,我們總是能夠卯足全力地去享受當中的樂趣。而這就是為什麼 The Power of - 接著空白的原因。

「垮世代」的文豪們,因為對當時的生活現況感到不滿,因此開始群起創作。那時候的他們並不知道,他們奮力一搏寫下的文字能夠影響好幾個十年,甚至可能掀起一道能永遠改變世界的巨浪。這就是他們從生活中得到的力量 The Power of Life.

The world is holy! The soul is holy! The skin is holy! The nose is holy! The tongue and cock and hand and asshole holy!

Everything is holy! everybody’s holy! everywhere is holy! everyday is in eternity! Everyman’s an angel!

《Footnote to Howl》 Allen Ginsburg

What's the meaning of Power?

Would you translate it straight away, or would you look for other meanings in a dictionary?

Each of us is looking for different possibilities for our lives; we work hard, enjoy booze, search for true love and make preparations for challenge of tomorrow. No matter how tortuous this road is, we can always find motivation for ourselves. We love someone, we can always find a way to attract the other's attention; we do the things we like and we can always try our best to enjoy the moment. And that's why The Power of- followed by blank. You need to find your aspiration to fit the blank.

The writers of the "Beat Generation" were dissatisfied with life at the time, so they began to create a new rule for themselves. At that time, they didn't know that their work will be influential for decades and might even set off a huge wave that could change the world forever. And that's the Power of Life they are giving to us.



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