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  • Dylan Tang

居家日不落 Kent & Curwen 春夏2021形象廣告/ Sun never sets, Kent & Curwen SS21 Campaign



全球疫情依然沒有獲得緩解,雖然疫苗已經發明,但仍有許多未知數。關於這個現象以及對時尚產業的影響,Kent & Curwen的創意總監Daniel Kearns 說道:「我發現相當有趣的是,這期間團隊成員們在進行視訊會議時,品牌玫瑰刺繡出現的比例相當高,這讓我意識到我們品牌的運動衫可以穿梭 “在家辦公” 和 “外出工作”,在此新世界中找到全新定位。」

Kent & Curwen 春夏 2021 系列以舒適面料搭配柔和色調,向藝術家大衛‧霍克尼(David Hockney) 的作品致敬,鮮明條紋佐以大膽撞色,並結合品牌獨有玫瑰刺繡徽章,為居家時尚注入全新活力。


身兼演員與模特的王可元,身穿Kent & Curwen 春夏2021的時裝在社群媒體上演繹台灣人在夜晚活動時的時尚搭配。




About British Fashion, there’s certainly has a stereotype for everyone. It might be a formal suit, polished leather shoes, and a posh accent. However, if you dig deeper into this culture, you will find out that Rugby is also important.

Inspiration from the pandemic

Even the vaccine for Covid-19 has invented, we still can’t neglect the impact of this virus on our life and the fashion industry. Therefore, Daniel Kearns, the creative director of Kent & Curwen, said, “I think it’s very interesting. During the pandemic, when the team has the video meeting, the Rose badge appear numerous time. So I realise that our brand’s sport shirt can find a new position between ‘work from home’ and ‘work at office’.”

Kent & Curwen spring/summer2021 collection it’s a tribute to artist David Hockney. All products have comfortable fabric and colour with a soft tone. The stripe and rose badge created two tones effect, this visual put vivid energy into our normal life.

British fusion Taiwanese

Ko-Yuan WANG, a Taiwanese actor and model, unveiled his British style on social media with Kent & Curwen. The atmosphere is about how Taiwanese have fun at night.

In the photography, Ko-Yuan WANG wore the novelties item from this brand. Based on the photography, it’s clear that the style is completely different between the campaign and this actor’s image. This sort of diversity may be explained as “If a brand wants to succeed, it has to be localised.”


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