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2019 六國賽第二輪:威爾斯二連勝/ Six Nations Round 2, Wales Dragon is on Fire

Dylan Tang

在義大利的主場,2019六國賽的第二輪比賽裡,威爾斯似乎是火力全開的想要奪下第二勝,這對於這頭紅色巨龍來說似乎不是一件難事,畢竟在上半場比賽中 Dan Biggar 就一口氣奪得12分,也讓威爾斯儘管在客場但還是士氣高昂。

但是義大利隊沒有要被壓著打的意思,Braam Steyn 的第一次達陣除了讓義大利隊的信心回鍋之外,更透過之後的附加得分一口氣將比數拉回兩分的差距,這對於 Azzurri 而言可以說是上半場比賽裡最直得興奮的事情。


雖然義大義輸掉了比賽,但是第二場由 Edoardo Padovani 的達陣卻讓義大利隊贏得了絕對的尊重,畢竟近幾年在六國賽中總是盡陪末座的 Azzurri,從來沒有放棄比賽,而是勇敢的戰到最後一刻!

比數最後落在義大利 15 : 26 威爾斯 結束了第二輪的第二場比賽;並且應該給 Thomas Young 一個公道,畢竟從鏡頭上來看,他值得最後鐽震所得到的分數。

威爾斯的隊長 Jonathan Davies 在賽後訪問時說道:「這一場比賽我們非常的受挫,但是在對抗英格蘭隊時他們的表現將會比現在更好。」

At the home of Italy, in the second round of the 2019 Six Nations, Wales seems to be full of power and wants to win the second victory. This seems to be not a difficult thing for this red dragon. After all, In the first half, Dan Biggar concisely scored 12 points in a row, and also made Wales still morale despite being away.

But the Italian team didn't mean to be beaten. Braam Steyn's first touchdown, in addition to letting the Italian team's confidence go back to the pot, also pulled back the two-point gap by the additional scoring. This is arguably the most exciting thing for Azzurri in the first half.

In the second half, despite the stubborn resistance of the Italian team, Azzurri still could not withstand the red dragon's attack; before ten minutes to the end of the game, Wales had already pulled the gap to 16 points, and it seems that there is no need to let Italy once again scored. For Wales, winning two consecutive matches as a guest. not only allowed dragons’ to win the first place on the table, but also gave the other five teams a serious warm.

Although Italy defeat the game, the second Try by Edoardo Padovani help Team Italy earned the absolute respect.

The match ended at the Italy 15: 26 Wales. Besides, of the result, We do think Thomas Young deserved the point, after all, from the lens, he literally nailed it.

Wales’ captain Jonathan Davies said after the match "We are very frustrated in this game, but they will perform better against England than they do now."



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