Salvatore Ferragamo任命獨立新銳設計師 Maximilian Davis 為品牌新任創意總監,並將於2022年三月十六日正式上任。
「我相當榮幸能加入Ferragamo,並感謝有此機會在品牌豐富而深厚的傳統基礎上再接再厲。 Ferragamo 對優雅和精緻的無盡奉獻深深地觸動了我,我期待以義大利精湛的工藝、質量和創新思維來實踐我接下來的時尚願景。」- Maximilian Davis
Maximilian Davis 出生於英國曼徹斯特,畢業於倫敦時尚學院 (London College of Fashion)。他在2020年創立了同名時尚品牌,並迅速在國際間取得知名度。
Salvatore Ferragamo總裁Marco Gobbetti 表示:「我們非常開心地歡迎Maximilian Davis勝任 Ferragamo 創意總監一職。他清晰銳利的時尚眼光和強大的審美品味使他成為同世代中最具才華的設計師之一。Maximilian Davis 的作品以優雅精緻的視覺感官和一貫的精湛技藝著稱。通過他感性的當代視角,秉承創意、工藝、精緻和傑出人才的Ferragamo,將與 Maximilian Davis 攜手譜寫出激動人心的新篇章。」

Salvatore Ferragamo appoints Maximilian Davis as Creative Director, effective 16 March 2022.
“I am deeply honoured to be joining Ferragamo, and grateful for the opportunity to build on the rich and profound heritage of the house. Ferragamo represents a dedication to timeless elegance and sophistication that I find incredibly inspiring. I’m looking forward to articulating my vision, elevated by the codes of Italian craftsmanship, quality and innovation”. - Maximilian Davis
Born in Manchester, graduated from London College of Fashion, Maximilian founded his eponymous brand in 2020 and attracted immediate international recognition.
Marco Gobbetti, Chief Executive Officer, commented: “I am delighted to welcome Maximilian at the House of Ferragamo. The clarity of his vision together with the level of execution and his powerful aesthetic make him one of the most brilliant talents of his generation. His work is defined by elegance, refined sensuality, and constant commitment to quality. Through his lens of contemporary sensibility, he will write a new, exciting chapter for this house built on a heritage of creativity, craftsmanship, sophistication, and outstanding human values”.