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Dylan Tang

羅密歐貝克漢成為 PUMA 全球代言人/ Romeo Beckham sings with PUMA

貝克漢家族的動向一直都是媒體關注的焦點,自從大兒子 Brooklyn 結婚後,除了每天在社群媒體曬恩愛外,就是告訴大家他多熱愛煮菜;有點了無新意。

不過二兒子 Romeo Beckham 算是繼承爸爸的衣缽,不但成為PUMA 的全球品牌大使,更簽約加盟了美國足球甲級聯賽排名第四的勞德代爾堡足球俱樂部,同時也身為邁阿密國際足球俱樂部的儲備隊員,而目前他正在為其職業足球生涯的第二個賽季做準備。

「 FUTURE Z 足球鞋非常輕量,讓我在球場上可以發揮我的速度和敏捷能力,同時我也對於鞋底的抓地力感到驚艷,在運球、傳球上更能掌控表現,而此次 Under the Lights pack 的亮眼配色讓我在球場上能兼顧運動表現和時尚品味。」- Romeo Beckham

對於足球的熱愛,Romeo 不僅從小耳濡目染,也非常欣賞現在為巴黎聖日爾曼球隊效勞的Neymar。Romeo 說:「Neymar 真的是位非常令人驚豔的球員,我非常享受觀看他的比賽,他有發訊息跟我說他看到我穿 PUMA 足球鞋,真的很榮幸因為 PUMA 讓我們之間又更多連結。Thierry Henry 一直是我最喜歡的球員之一,他有許多經典進球畫面讓我印象深刻,如果讓我選兩個想擁有和他們一樣實力的球員,毋庸置疑我會選 Thierry Henry,而另一位當然就是我的爸爸啦!」

年僅19歲的 Romeo 除了將專注在運動賽事外,也別忘了他也是時尚界的寵兒。他高挑的身材日前也受到頂級時裝品牌 Saint Laurent 青睞,不僅拍攝大片還一路登上L'Uomo Vogue的封面人物。這種足球與時尚集於一身的人生,不愧是出自 David Beckham 和 Victoria Beckham的名流家庭。


The movement of the Beckham family has always been the focus of media attention. Since Brooklyn dropped the big news, got married and moved to the U.S., Romeo Beckham is giving another one at the end of 2021.

Earlier this year, Romeo signed for USL League One side Fort Lauderdale CF and also a reserve affiliate of his football legend dad's franchise Inter Miami CF. But more importantly, Romeo Beckhams has signed for PUMA for the global ambassador.

"The FUTURE Z boots match my game perfectly. They're light so that I can use my pace and agility, but they also grip the ball amazingly so I can dribble and pass effectively. I love the colours of the Under the Lights pack, which combine my passions of fashion and football." - Romeo Beckham

As we know, Romeo is a big fan of football; of course, his father is a world-class footballer. However, his admiration isn't just his father. He said, "Neymar is amazing and I love to watch him play, he messaged me when he saw me wearing Puma... this made my day. Thierry Henry has always been one of my favorite players, some of the goals he scored were unbelievable. If there were two players I'd love to have the ability of, it would be Thierry and of course my Dad!"

Romeo Beckham is only 19-year-old, his achievement may still have a long journey to go. However, when he signed with PUMA, he is the wealthiest child in his family. Does anyone want to sign with him? perhaps you have to queue and wait for Saint Laurent's next move.


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