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Dylan Tang

E.SO與PUMA的永續生態環保提案/ PUMA and E.SO presents project Forever Better

E.SO 瘦子過去一年不僅推出的個人專輯受到大家喜愛,連同生活美學,穿衣風格更是許多人追逐的目標。隨著夏天即將到來,E.SO 再與德國運動品牌 PUMA 攜手合作,將自己的穿搭理念透過照片親自示範,什麼叫做「舒適自在」。

Forever Better

PUMA 推出的新作品提倡永續生態的環保理念。這次的重點精準的鎖定水資源的節能與維護。雖然地球百分之70是由水覆蓋,但是真正能飲用的水資源仍相當匱乏。因此 E.SO 透過自身影響力,穿上胸前手繪 PUMA 字樣佈滿塗鴉的卡其沙色 PUMA Awareness 短袖 T 恤,搭配褲側可窺見水滴池塘插圖的同系列夏日短褲,相互呼應環保設計主題概念。

全新 PUMA 系列新品,不僅在服飾設計上加入鐵罐、寶特瓶等可回收容器塗鴉,以及生活不可或缺的水資源圖樣,更特別將形象拍攝背景設定為移居外星球。這樣的拍攝概念,透過平面影像的演繹,或許是要提醒「好好愛護地球,不然未來可能真的只能移居外星球了」的觀點。

堅持 永不放棄

此外,E.SO 日前參加法國名品活動 Longchamp的活動時說過 ”Been a CHAMP a LONG time”就像是他做音樂一樣得不斷堅持下去「這種堅毅精神就和我們堅持做自己的音樂一樣,不論成敗、只管先拚再說,而生活中難忘的人事與經驗都是創作的養分。」



Do you know E.SO is the icon of the young generation? Since his first solo albums released last year, his music, lifestyle and fashion are being chased by his followers. Therefore, before summer is knocking on our door, E.SO work with PUMA to demonstrate what is comfortable? And another important topic.

Forever Better

PUMA's new collection aims to promote the environmental protection concept of sustainable ecology. The focus is on how to save accurately and maintenance of water resources. Although 70% of the earth is covered by water, we still a water shortage issue day by day. So, E.SO used his influence to put on PUMA's latest collection, which has some warming graffiti. For example, the summer shorts illustrate the water drop pond on the side of the pants. This idea certainly is echoing the environment id leaking water every second.

The new PUMA collection adds recyclable container graffiti such as tin cans and PET bottles to the clothing design and patterns of water resources that are indispensable to life and set the background of the image shooting to emigrate to an alien planet. Through the interpretation of still images, this shooting concept may remind the viewpoint that "Take good care of the earth. Otherwise, you may really have to move to other planets in the future.”

Never Give Up

On the other hand, E.SO had mentioned "Been a CHAMP a LONG time" is like his journey of making music. "This kind of perseverance is consistent with our insistence on making our own music. In the same way, regardless of success or failure, just work hard first, and the unforgettable personnel and experience in life are the nutrients of creation.”

Environmental Protection is a thing that no one can stay out of this matter. More importantly, for consumers, in addition to buying new clothes, is to think about 'How to Shop Wisely".

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