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幼稚才有趣 PS Paul Smith和HYPE各推新系列/ PS Paul Smith and HYPE gave you something special collection

Dylan Tang

有句話說「成熟與否與年紀無關;成熟與否與經驗有關」(Maturity is not measured by age. It’s an attitude built by experience.) 因此被人笑說行為幼稚,應該不太需要走心才對。畢竟根據牛津大學 Nigel Emptage 博士的團隊研究指出 “保持童心的腦袋吸收新知的速度更快”。此研究當然也可以印證在創意導向的時尚產業。不然那些瘋狂的鬼才設計師們,怎麼能夠持續不斷地做出美好的事物給大家呢?


PS Paul Smith 的2021夏季系列以1970至1980年代美國大量湧入的墨西哥漫畫風格及元素為靈感,並運用大量兼具獨創風格與豐富視覺效果的漫畫元素,運用在PS Paul Smith春夏的各式單品上。大多故事內容充滿超現實、迷幻、神秘懸疑和科幻題材,失去控制的機器人、具有生命力的樹木、外星人入侵與準備發動攻擊的可怕殺人魔等B級漫畫常出現的情節。



英國人的創意無限應該不需要多說,英國潮流品牌 HYPE 推出了與美國玩具品牌 NERF 的復古系列。這個系列秉持著中性的街頭文化精神,還參考了 NERF 的橘色和藍色代表色,並加入紫色、螢光綠和螢光黃。如果你也在找一個回憶中的酷東西,那麼 HYPE x NERF 的最新聯名款應該馬上要成為你在家網購的選項之一。


There is a saying that "Maturity has nothing to do with age; Maturity has nothing to do with experience". According to research by Dr Nigel Emptage of the University of Oxford, "Brains may learn things more easily, but older brains may store information more efficiently." Therefore, if we say it precisely, that's why the fashion industry can be a trend. We have so many young brains and childish-kind mind.

We all seen the B Comics

PS Paul Smith Summer 2021 collection is inspired by the Mexican comic styles and elements that flooded the United States from the 1970s to the 1980s. It uses a large number of comic factors with original styles and rich visual effects. For example, the main scenario is full of surreal, psychedelic, mysterious suspense and science fiction, out of control robots, living trees, alien invasions and terrible murderers preparing to launch attacks.

In addition, whether it is the playful embroidery totems on the sweaters or the graphic designs incorporating comic styles on the white shirts. These designs are echoing the nostalgic and avant-garde printing theme of this season outline futuristic retro style.

The 80s and 90s kids

There is no need to say much about the creativity of the British. The British lifestyle brand HYPE has launched a capsule collection with the American toy brand NERF. This collection of all genders with reference to NERF's core colour palette of orange and blue with pops of purple, neon green and yellow. This collection lands as Nerf cements its position in the fashion and lifestyle space. If you are looking for a cool thing in your memory, then HYPE x NERF should be at your home soon.



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