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Dylan Tang

童話成真 DIOR宣布王子 Pierre Casiraghi 成為新品牌大使/ Prince Pierre Casiraghi is the new face of DIOR

還記得前一陣子BLACKPINK的智秀才讓DIOR 在社群媒體得到爆炸性的宣傳效果。這個法國品牌現在仍不罷休的要讓萬千少男少女對DIOR 這四個字母繼續抱著童話般的夢想。

DIOR 宣布摩納哥王子 Pierre Casiraghi 成為新任品牌大使。這位現年34歲的王子,將品牌創意總監 Kim Jones 斷革新的西裝精湛剪裁完美演繹,更示範父親除了可以有可靠的肩膀外,展現優雅也可從容自若。

Pierre Casiraghi 1987 年 9 月 5 日出生於摩納哥,他是漢諾威王妃殿下、摩納哥長公主 Caroline 與 Stefano Casiraghi 之子、摩納哥公國君主阿爾貝二世外甥;也是已故蘭尼埃三世與王妃 Grace Kelly 的孫子。Pierre Casiraghi 的義大利裔妻子 Beatrice Borromeo 也同是 DIOR 品牌大使,他們育有 2 子。


Do we remember that BLACKPINK's JiSoo gave DIOR explosive publicity on social media a couple of days ago? And now, this French fashion house is going to continue its success by throw a fairytale.

DIOR announced that Pierre Casiraghi, Prince of Monaco, has become the Dior men's wear ambassador. The 34-year-old prince perfectly interprets the exquisite tailoring of the innovative suits of the brand's creative director Kim Jones. He demonstrates that 'even be a father still can show elegance and stylishness.'


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