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Pierre Niney領軍 名人演繹萬寶龍與Maison Kitsuné聯名設計/ Pierre Niney grouped celebrities for Montblanc and Maison

Dylan Tang

萬寶龍之前為了慶祝與Maison Kitsuné推出聯名款設計,在巴黎舉辦了一場上市派對。當天有凱薩獎得主Pierre Niney、音樂製作人MATVEЇ、義大利創業家Carlo Sestini、英國時尚部落客Susie Lau和荷蘭時尚部落客Linda Tol等人共襄盛舉。

法國演員 Pierre Niney
法國演員 Pierre Niney
(左) 音樂製作人MATVEЇ (右)義大利創業家Carlo Sestini
(左) 音樂製作人MATVEЇ (右)義大利創業家Carlo Sestini

這個聯名系列是將萬寶龍皮件的經典線條融入Kitsuné的生活藝術(Art de Vivre),重新詮釋經典Camo Fox 狐狸印花,僅在全球11個國家限量上市。身為東方寶島的台灣當也不會錯過這場盛事,品牌好友吳映潔、李玉璽、人氣樂團茄子蛋等多位新生代音樂人都是萬寶龍邀請來搶先演繹的精緻率性人物。

萬寶龍行銷執行副總裁Vincent Montalescot表示:「匯聚兩個擁有不同起源、故事與哲學但又互補的品牌,讓這次合作充滿活力又令人期待。藉由這次合作,我們創造了一種全新獨特、原創的Art de Vivre生活藝術風格,結合Maison Kitsuné的自我表達、創造力與趣味,以及萬寶龍作為奢華商務生活風格品牌的熱情、決心與精神。」

Maison Kitsuné 是誰?

「Kitsuné」是日文狐狸的意思,傳說中這種動物具有變幻身形的能力,象徵靈活多變正如同Kitsuné的品牌風格。品牌因為源源不斷的各種創意而聞名,融合時尚品牌(Maison Kitsuné)、音樂品牌(Kitsuné Musique)與咖啡館、咖啡烘焙、酒吧與餐廳(Café Kitsuné)。


為了配合本系列的發布,Kitsuné Musique的DJ兼製作人MATVEЇ特別打造全新一首全新歌曲—POOLSIDE,並於Spotify推出專屬歌單,迎接夏日來臨。


Montblanc previously held a launch party in Paris to celebrate the collaboration with Maison Kitsuné. On that day, Caesar Award-winner Pierre Niney, music producer MATVEЇ, Italian entrepreneur Carlo Sestini, British fashion blogger Susie Lau and Dutch fashion blogger Linda Tol participated in the grand event.

(左)荷蘭時尚部落客Linda Tol (右) 英國時尚部落客Susie Lau
(左)荷蘭時尚部落客Linda Tol (右) 英國時尚部落客Susie Lau

This capsule collection integrates the classic lines of Montblanc leather goods into Kitsuné's Art de Vivre, reinterprets the classic Camo Fox and is only available in 11 countries worldwide. As the beautiful island of the Orient, Taiwan will not miss this event. Brand friends Emma Wu, Dino Lee, and the popular band Eggplant Egg are all exquisite and straightforward figures invited by Montblanc to showcase first.

"The gathering of two complementary brands with different origins and philosophies make this collaboration vibrant and exciting. Through this collaboration, we have created a new, unique and original The Art de Vivre style of living combines the self-expression, creativity and fun of Maison Kitsuné with the passion, determination and spirit of Montblanc as a luxury business lifestyle brand." Vincent Montalescot, Executive Vice President of Marketing at Montblanc.

In case you don't know Maison Kitsuné?

"Kitsuné" means fox in Japanese. This animal can change body shape, symbolizing flexibility and change just like Kitsuné's brand style. The brand is well-known for its endless variety of ideas, integrating fashion brands (Maison Kitsuné), music brands (Kitsuné Musique) and cafes, coffee roasting, bars and restaurants (Café Kitsuné).

Music Matter

To cope with the release of this collection, Kitsuné Musique's DJ and producer MATVEЇ created a brand new song—POOLSIDE. They launched an exclusive playlist on Spotify to welcome the 2021 summer.



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