Phoebe English 的2018春夏男裝系列再次地將時裝的元素做出與其他品牌不同的區隔;總是在品牌設計上有著強烈主題的 Phoebe English,這次將主題動到了英國當時的陶藝家身上,在會場的氛圍裡,模特雙手把玩著放置好的陶土並且優雅地展現最新一季的服飾;以寬大的上衣剪裁以及直筒的長褲設計,運用藍色、淺亞麻以及黑色做出與背景設定的時代感不相違合的視覺效果。

Phoebe English's spring/summer 2018 collection certainly completely different with other fashion brands in London Fashion Week Men's in this season. The venue has a historical vibes of potter and models were beautifully presented the latest collection even they were have ceramics on their hands.
The SS18 of Phoebe English were tailored lose on the shirts and straight cut for the pants. You can easily figured that colours were consciously choose to make the whole POTTER of yore concept stronger and compelling by navy, black and linen colour.
Where to Buy & More Information
Photos courtesy of Phoebe English