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Palomo Spain 2017秋冬形象廣告/ Palomo Spain Autumn/Winter'17 Campaign

Dylan Tang

西班牙服裝品牌Palomo Spain 的2017秋冬形象廣告已突破性別的方式將男性的時裝鋪上一層粉色性的色彩,在傳統的刻板印象中,男性的時裝廣告鮮少將模特兒畫上厚重的妝容而且也較少將男性的身體一覽無遺地展現出來;在這一次的秋冬形象廣告中 Palomo Spain 將男性的衣裳褪去,更使用在大自然中,男性們歡愉的視覺效果來呈現最新的時裝廣告。

Palomo Spain 一開始只是設計師 Alejando 在就讀 London College of Fashion 時的畢業製作,但是隨著市場接受度的上升以及一鼓作氣的衝勁,現在 Palomo Spain 不只在 馬德里時裝週以及莫斯科時裝週發表過,更是在時裝產業裡獲得大家注目的新興品牌。

Spanish Fashion Brand Palomo Spain unveiled their 2017 autumn/winter campaign. This campaign, designer Alejando used a different way to showcased his winter collection.

As we known, most campaigns of menswear have usually set scenes to present male models' tough and tenderness, however, Palomo Spain built pictures in an opposite way. In this campaign, Palomo Spain took off models' clothing and put more makeup than usual. Moreover, you can easily figure the exotic vibes and maleness from models' interactions.

Palomo Spain was built by designer Alejando as his graduate project when he studied in London College of Fashion. After he graduated, Palomo Spain hadn't go in vain. Market accept it, customers accept it, furthermore, Palomo Spain had presented his collection in Madrid and Moscow fashion week held by Mercedes-Benz.


Where to Buy & more Information


Photography and Creative direction: Kito Muñoz Styling: Adrián Bernal Hair and Makeup: Vicente Guijarro Lighting: Andrés Paduano Produced by: DMNTIA Models: Raul and Haydem Guerra ( Blow Models ) Clément Roumégoux (Rock Men Paris) Kai Landre & Pol Roig Special Thanks: Pedro Aguilar de Dios and Aailiyah Rosales



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