瑞士腕錶品牌ORIS以「為了更好而改變」的使命努力。這次更攜手藝術家共創新話題,特邀知名插畫創作家-陳又凌,與台灣糖霜藝術家-餅乾皇后的春天Michelle,兩位不同領域的跨界創作,以全新角度詮釋ORIS錶款-「Dat Watt限量潛水腕錶」與「Divers 65 Cotton Candy復刻青銅潛水錶」,重新賦予潛水錶新意,以樂觀積極的正向力量,與ORIS一同建構共生共榮的環境生態新美學。

Dat Watt限量潛水腕錶
Dat Watt 限量錶擁有Oris為專業潛水人員開發的功能- 月相週期指示以及北半球的潮汐範圍;這項功能使用的是位於中央的白色指針,在正確的日期調準後,便會以 29.5 日的月相週期與錶盤的白色輪廓顯示相應的潮汐。同樣的指示器也能指出月相的盈虧。Dat Watt 限量腕錶以 Oris Aquis 為基礎,以當地方言的「瓦登海」命名。限量2,009只,代表著瓦登海獲得聯合國教科文組織列為世界遺產的年份。

Divers 65 Cotton Candy復刻青銅潛水錶
另外,今年詢問度超高的「ORIS Divers 65 Cotton Candy復刻青銅潛水錶」,以夢幻棉花糖色圈粉,掀起浪漫旋風,擄獲無數青銅錶的愛好者。ORIS與台灣糖霜藝術家-餅乾皇后的春天Michelle合作,打造專屬形象甜點,希望美麗療癒的糖霜版潛水錶創作帶給大家更多甜蜜笑容。
The Swiss watch brand ORIS strives with the mission of Change For The Better. This time, ORIS work with artists to create new topics. ORIS invites well-known illustrator Chen Youling and Taiwanese Queen of Biscuit Michelle to interpret the "Dat Watt Limited Diving" and "Divers 65". Altogether, it constructs a new aesthetics of the environment and ecology of symbiosis and co-prosperity.

Dat Watt Limited Edition
The Dat Watt Limited Edition is a special watch. Its dial displays the lunar cycle and tidal range in the Northern Hemisphere via the Oris-developed Pointer Moon function, created for professional divers. This works using a central white pointer hand that once aligned with the correct day in the 29.5-day lunar cycle, shows the corresponding tidal range via the white outline on the dial. The same hand indicates the waxing and waning of the moon.

ORIS Divers Sixty-Five
In addition, ORIS Divers Sixty-Five gave a strong impression, with cotton candy colour. ORIS collaborated with the Taiwanese Queen of Biscuit Michelle to create an exclusive image, hoping to make the beautiful and bring you more sweet smiles.