New&Lingwood的秋冬2018形象廣告找來了名模 Richard Biedul 一起展現英倫紳士的優雅風情;這次的秋冬系列靈感來自於電影《霓裳魅影》The Phantom Thread 和影集《王冠》The Crown中出現的英國紳士風格的理想化視角。

New & Lingwood 的秋冬系列不只推出了正裝,更有讓人眼睛為之一亮的華麗長袍,這是採用新的熱帶彩色提花英國絲綢,精美的印花天鵝絨,並在布料上描繪出獵犬和馬術場景以及來自蘇格蘭的“牡蠣”羊絨。
說到最後,New & Lingwood 和 Richard Biduel 的合作終於讓這個冬天不再那麼花容失色,透過色彩與硬實力的搭配,英國紳士的風情將再次入侵每個人的衣櫥裡。

The 2018 autumn/winter collection at New & Lingwood has as its inspiration the idealised view of the effortlessly styled English Gentleman, as characterised recently in The Phantom Thread and The Crown. In their AW18 campaign, Richard Biedul showcased this historical brand's Gentleman vibes. A sense of nostalgia pervades the whole collection but with modern interpretations of traditional sports and Norfolk jackets, pleated flannel trousers, brushed cotton shirts and tweed britches; all this in addition to their classic city suits in herringbones, chalk stripes and windowpane checks.
The collection of opulent dressing gowns goes from strength to strength with new, tropically coloured and jacquard English silks, stunningly printed velvets, depicting hounds and equestrian scenes and the ultimate in ‘oystered’ cashmere from Scotland.
In the end, the collaboration between New & Lingwood and Richard Biedul has perfectly lighted it up our Winter. Through the colour and their power, Gentlemen's vibes will invade your closet again and soon.

Photos by Jon Gorrigan
Words by New & Lingwood
Edited by Dylan Tang