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珍稀工藝 積家The Sound Maker展覽釋放創意與文化/ My Precious! Jaeger LeCoultre’s The Sound Maker exhibition is great

Dylan Tang

積家(Jaeger LeCoultre) 在韓國首爾舉辦的展覽「The Sound Maker」不僅將這個瑞士高級製錶品牌的創意與1833年創立以來的文化能量一次釋放,還有新品牌摯友金宇彬加持,讓韓流與瑞士製錶文化完美結合。

「參觀展覽時,我以一種全新方式感受和體驗積家的歷史傳承,其精美的時計讓我驚歎不已。」- 金宇彬

這次展覽精選了積家最早期和歷史悠久的鳴響傑作,以及數十份珍貴文件和歷史檔案資料。許多資料是首次公開展出,而且由品牌創始人安東尼.勒考特(Antoine LeCoultre)和父親所製作的音樂盒,標誌著積家大工坊鳴響時計之旅掀開序幕。參觀展覽時,不僅可以欣賞到從懷錶到三問報時腕錶和Memovox響鬧腕錶的技術和藝術表現的演變,以及來自Atelier des Métiers Rares®(珍稀工藝工坊)的特別作品。

在展廳中央,積家委託瑞士當代藝術家Zimoun製作的 「聲音雕塑」裝置在韓國首次亮相。Zimoun將大工坊及其四周自然環境的聲音融入此迷人的作品之中,這些自然之聲正是積家的靈感泉源。Zimoun採用簡單的原材料並回收重用工業零件,包括製作積家腕錶的小型直流馬達、細金屬絲、MDF板和金屬圓片。此過程中顛覆了有關雕塑、機芯和聲音的傳統意念,引領觀眾步入別開生面的感官體驗之旅。

積家在首爾舉行的展覽「The Sound Maker」將在7 月 4 日落幕。想要體驗瑞士高級製錶品牌的設計精神,不妨加快腳步上網登入,讓自己有機會沉浸在積家的創意與文化世界中。


Jaeger-LeCoultre's exhibition "The Sound Maker in Seoul, South Korea, not only unleashes the creativity of this Swiss high-end watch brand and the cultural energy since its establishment in 1833. Besides, the mixture of Korean popular culture and the Swiss watchmaking culture are perfectly combined. Why do we say that? Because the new brand ambassador Kim Woo-Bin was there too.

"When visiting the exhibition, I felt and experienced the historical heritage of Jaeger-LeCoultre in a new way. I was amazed by its exquisite timepieces." - Kim Woo-Bin

This exhibition selected Jaeger-LeCoultre's earliest products and masterpieces, as well as dozens of precious documents from archives. Many of the materials are on public display for the first time, and the brand founder Antoine LeCoultre showcased his music box made by his father at the beginning of Jaeger-LeCoultre's workshop.

When visiting the exhibition, you can not only appreciate the evolution of technology and artistic expression from pocket watches to minute repeaters and Memovox alarm watches, as well as special works from Atelier des Métiers Rares®.

In the exhibition centre, Jaeger-LeCoultre commissioned the Swiss contemporary artist Zimoun to produce the Sound Sculpture installation for the first time in Korea. Zimoun integrates the sounds of the large workshop and its surrounding natural environment into this fascinating work. These natural sounds are the source of inspiration for Jaeger-LeCoultre.

Zimoun uses simple raw materials and recycles and reuses industrial elements, including small DC motors, fine metal wires, MDF plates and metal discs used to make Jaeger-LeCoultre watches. In this process, the traditional ideas about sculpture, movement and sound were subverted, leading the audience to a journey of unique sensory experience.

Jaeger-LeCoultre's exhibition The Sound Maker in Seoul will be finished on July 4th. Suppose you want to experience the design spirit of the Swiss high-end watch brand. In that case, you may wish to speed up and log in online to allow yourself to immerse the world of Jaeger-LeCoultre's creativity and culture.



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