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MSGM 2017秋冬男裝形象廣告/ MSGM Autumn/Winter'17 Campaign

Dylan Tang

MSGM 推出了2017秋冬形象廣告, Lennon Gallagher 擔任男裝的主要模特兒。

MSGM 由設計師 Massimo Giorgetti 在2018 年在意大利成立的時裝品牌;這一次的2017秋冬廣告裡的亮點則是由傳奇樂團- 綠洲合唱團主唱Liam Gallagher的兒子 Lennon Gallagher 來擔任要角。Lennon Gallagher 除了有著帶著擁有Gallagher 這個姓氏以外,充其量也不過算是一個初入職場的新秀模特兒罷了,但是卻能成為時裝品牌的主要視覺,其中原因,設計總監 Giorgetti 對WWD 透露「跟Lennon 的合作讓我很滿意,因為我們想要創造出一個倫敦九零年代的氣氛,從那個年代的音樂,到獨立搖滾的氣息都是我們這次廣告想表達的。」

Lennon Gallagher 出生於1999 年,他甫出道開始就不像爸爸Liam 一樣往音樂的路上走,反而走向時尚這條看似與搖滾背道而馳的不同產業;但是在2017年 Lennon 幫英國平價品牌 Topman 擔任2017秋冬型錄拍攝之後,他的模特兒之路便開始展開;他在六月更在米蘭男裝週走了MSGM 的 2018春夏男裝大秀。

MSGM 2017秋冬男裝廣告由攝影師 Alasdir McLellan 拍攝、LOVE 雜誌總監 Katie Grand 擔任造形指導。

Italian fashion brand MSGM, founded in 2008 by designer Massimo Giorgetti.

MGSM's autumn/winter 2017 campaign entitled Lennon Gallagher, the son of Oasis frontman Liam Gallagher, as the new face of brand. MSGM designer Massimo Giorgetti talks to WWD about the decision to cast Lennon. He said, “We wanted an image that recalls London in the Nineties, the music of those years, telling also about my passion for the indie genre.”

Lennon Gallagher was born in 1999, he hasn't step on the same path as his father; in contrast, his modelling career has dramatically changed since 2017 after starring in Topman's autumn/winter lookbook. Moreover, Lennon also walked for MSGM Spring/Summer 2018 collection show during Milan Fashion Week Men's.

MSGM Autumn/Winter'17 Campaign shot by noted fashion photographer Alasdair McLellan and styled by founder and director of LOVE Magazine Katie Grand.


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