美國時裝品牌 Michael Kors 從1981年成立至今,已經近30個年頭。對這個時裝品牌來說,現在的市占率已經算達到無人能敵的地步。這個美國品牌的老花圖案現在已經成為無人不知、無人不曉的品牌DNA,它紛紛以摩登的樣貌躍上各式商品,包含服裝、鞋履到皮件。不論是沉穩的咖啡色調,或是洋溢著青春色彩的櫻花粉色、鼠尾草綠等季節彩盤,又或是點綴著鉚釘,金屬編織等各種設計,都象徵著美國人的自信與無法忽視的存在感。
今年,Michael Kors 為了延續 “我” 的精神,特地推出了 “MK My Way” 的客製化包款活動。為的就是要讓這個牌子能跳脫束縛,成為每一位樂於挑戰自我的靈魂救贖。
The American fashion brand Michael Kors launched in 1981. Since it founded, for nearly 30 years, this fashion brand has reached an unbeatable level in the current market. The monogram of this American brand has now become the brand DNA that no one wouldn't know. It has become a modern appearance of all kinds of products, such as clothing, shoes and leather goods. Whether it is a coffee brown or seasonal colour such as cherry pink and sage green. They are full of youthful spirit. Furthermore, Michael Kors also made it at studs and metal weaves. You can easily to explain that is the symbolize the self-confidence of Americans and the existence that cannot be ignored.
This year, in order to continue the "Myself", Michael Kors specially launched the "MK My Way" customized campaign. The purpose of this campaign is to make you feel without boundaries and become the salvation of your soul that is willing to challenge yourself.