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Matthieu Blazy成為Bottega Veneta新任創意總監/ Matthieu Blazy Is Bottega Veneta’s New Creative Director

Dylan Tang

Bottega Veneta 今天宣布,任命 Matthieu Blazy 為創意總監 。

Matthieu Blazy 1984 年出⽣於巴黎,畢業於比利時布魯塞爾坎布雷⼤學 (La Cambre)。他的時裝職業 ⽣涯起始於為 Raf Simons 擔任男裝設計師,之後加入 Maison Martin Margiela 負責設計 “Artisanal”系列 及女裝成衣秀。2014 年,他加入 Céline 擔任⾼級設計師,2016 年⾄ 2019 年與就職於 Calvin Klein 的 Raf Simons 再次合作。2020 年,他被 Bottega Veneta 任命為時裝設計總監。他同時擁有法國和比利時國籍, 往返於安特衛普和米蘭。

Bottega Veneta ⾸席執⾏官 Leo Rongone 表⽰:「Matthieu Blazy 是⼀位才華洋溢的⼈,我很⾃豪和興 奮地任命他執掌我們的精品品牌。Bottega Veneta ⼀直被認為是擁有標誌性⼯藝和獨特創造⼒的代表。 Matthieu Blazy 的任命將近⼀步提升我們的現代感並加速我們的成長,同時也傳承 Bottega Veneta 的核⼼ 價值觀。」

開雲集團董事長兼⾸席執⾏官 François-Henri Pinault 表⽰:「Bottega Veneta 擁有著非常扎實的基礎、 別緻的風格和獨有的特質,讓我們對這個精品品牌的未來懷有遠⼤抱負。我相信 Matthieu Blazy 的豐富 經驗和廣闊的⽂化背景能夠幫助他將創造⼒帶到傳承 Bottega Veneta 的任務中。」

Matthieu Blazy 將於 2022 年 2 ⽉發布他的⾸個系列


Delightful! Matthieu Blazy is Bottega Veneta’s new Creative Director

The Paris-born, 37-year-old designer graduated from La Cambre in 2007 and has had designer stints at Raf Simons, Maison Martin Margiela and Céline. Before becoming Lee’s right hand at Bottega Veneta as design director in 2020, Blazy worked closely with Raf Simons at Calvin Klein as VP of design for womenswear and menswear from 2016 to 2019. Blazy will present his first collection for Bottega Veneta in February 2022.

"Matthieu Blazy is an extraordinarily talented individual, whom I am proud and excited to entrust with the creative helm of our luxury house," Leo Rongone, CEO of Bottega Veneta, said, in a statement. "Bottega Veneta has always been equated with signature craftsmanship and distinctive creativity. Matthieu's appointment will further enhance the modern relevance of our brand and accelerate our growth, while preserving the values that are at the core of Bottega Veneta."

François-Henri Pinault, chairman and CEO of Kering, added: "The very solid foundations, specific codes and unique identity of Bottega Veneta enable us to nurture great ambitions for the future of this luxury house. I am confident that Matthieu Blazy's wealth of experience and broad cultural background will allow him to bring his creative impetus to the task of carrying on the legacy of Bottega Veneta."

Blazy's first collection for Bottega Veneta will debut in February.



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