
這一次參與的設計師品牌除了有英國國寶級設計師 Vivienne Westwood 以外,還有新世代聲望最高的 J.W. Anderson 以及在西方時尚圈有著一定地位的 Craig Green、Christopher Raeburn 、Matthew Miller、Blood Brother、Phoebe English、Alex Mullins 、TOURNE DE TRANSMISSION… 等品牌;

當然不可錯過的還有英國歷史悠久的 Kent & Curwen 以及來自台灣的 Chin Menswear。

After the huge celebration for the five years old of London Fashion Week Men’s (LFWM). This year, British Fashion Council (BFC) made a decision for elaborate London’s Menswear Fashion week to another level and keen to increase British’s reputation of Fashion.
This season is for the Autumn/Winter 2018 collection and BFC concentrated from four days to only three. Even this season only have three days, LFWM is still the on the first weekend of this year. If you are not work in fashion industry, you may not notice that even the schedule is short, LFWM still appeal so many huge designers to participate and altogether open the curtain for fashion industry in 2018.
For the Autumn/Winter 2018, LFWM has the legendary designer Vivienne Westwood, the fashion prodigy Jonathan Anderson (his brand J.W. Anderson) and so many important British designers such as, Craig Green, Christopher Raeburn, Matthew Miller, Blood Brother, Phoebe English, Alex Mullins, TOURNE DE TRANSMISSION … etc.
In addition, the classic English brand Kent & Curwen is on the schedule and most importantly, Taiwanese designer Chin Menswear is on the spot.
Some may say, Fashion week is a craziest thing ever in the world, but this stereotype only happens on people who don’t know fashion. Instead, If you ever have a chance to attend a fashion week in your life, even just one time. You certainly will understand that people in fashion industry don’t just wear prettier than you. Furthermore, we also work harder even better than you for chasing your dream.