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林柏宏演繹美度表,並期許創造屬於自己的世代/Lin Bo-hong interprets MIDO and hopes to create his own generation

Dylan Tang

美度表自從在1935年推出了防水、抗磁、耐撞擊錶款後,便為腕錶產業寫下了一個新的里程碑。今年,這個來自瑞士的鐘錶品牌並沒有停下腳步,反而一口氣推出了Multifort先鋒系列鏤空限量錶,和Multifort Power Reserve先鋒系列動力儲存顯示腕錶。此外,美度表在台灣還給了不一樣的驚喜;那就是邀請了新世代演員林柏宏來為即將在台展開巡迴展示的第一站出席力挺。


這次為美度表出席活動的林柏宏表示作為演員,最重要的就是不斷地突破過去、重新學習,不論在工作或是生活都能勇於嘗試、不斷創新,甚至能以原本在演員的領域中學習到的技能和品味,去做其他位置不一樣的挑戰。所以活動中柏宏寫下了「空」字送給未來的自己,他說 :「空,代表了清空過去的束縛以及規範,重新創造屬於自己的世代,一個演員也很需要把自己放空,才能讓新角色走進自己的內心世界,如同MIDO美度表所打造的全新鏤空腕錶,要讓大家看得更深,也看到更多細節與深度。」





Multifort 動力儲存顯示腕錶

至於另一款全新動力儲存顯示腕錶,則是將運動風格做出新的詮釋。它兼具動感流線與摩登時髦的設計外觀,透過迷人煙煤灰色不鏽鋼錶盤,於錶盤上配備動力儲存顯示窗格的設計特色,以Super-LumiNova®綠色夜光塗層點綴出鮮明的視覺對比,展現活力而搶眼的都會動感風格。該款功能腕錶錶盤直徑42毫米,搭載美度Caliber 80全自動機械機芯,並擁有高達80小時的動力儲存功能。

Since MIDO launched a waterproof, anti-magnetic, and impact-resistant model in 1935, it has set a new milestone for the watch industry. However, even we are facing pandemic this year, this Switzerland Watch grand house did not stop but launched the Multifort collection. In this collection, Multifort has two different branches, which is a limited edition Skeleton watch, and the Multifort Power Reserve.

The limited-edition isn't the only surprise MIDO gave to us. In Taiwan, there's a different surprise, that is an upcoming tour for the showcase this collection. And that's the reason why the newgen actor Lin Bo-hong has shown up and giving us more energy alongside with this Swiss watch brand.

"Void" is the future for me

Lin Bo-hong, who attended the event for MIDO, said that as an actor, the most important thing is to constantly break through the past and re-learn. Whether in work or real life, he can try and innovate constantly, and even learn from the field of actors. With his skills and taste, he can do different challenges in other positions. Therefore, during the event, Bo-hong wrote the word "Void" for his future. He said: "Void represents the emptying of the constraints and norms of the past, and recreating my own generation. An actor also needs to let himself/herself be able to LET the new character enter your inner world. Just like the new Skeleton watch created by MIDO, let everyone see more deeply and see more details and depth."

Multifort Skeleton limited edition

If you want to understand the new Multifort Skeleton limited edition watch, you have to talk about its design process carefully.

This watch uses a PVD black titanium case and presents the beauty of the flow of time on a large surface with a diameter of 44mm. Besides, the skeleton design allows you to have a direct view of the calibre.

Also, it is waterproof up to 100 meters, it is also equipped with a hand-winding calibre, and provides up to 46 hours of power reserve. To make this global limited edition of 999 watches more unique but not strange.

Multifort Power Reserve

As for another new power reserve display watch, it is a new interpretation of sports style. It has both a dynamic streamline and a modern fashionable design. Through the charming anthracite grey stainless steel dial, the design features of the power reserve display pane are equipped on the dial, and the Super-LumiNova® green luminous coating embellishes the sharp visual contrast to show Vibrant and eye-catching urban dynamic style. This functional watch has a 42 mm dial, equipped with MIDO Caliber 80 fully automatic mechanical and has a power reserve of up to 80 hours.



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