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Dylan Tang

英國龐克新霸主 LIFE, the new bellwether of British Punk

誰說龐克已死?英國新生代樂團 LIFE 的音樂現在正在橫掃英國的地下世界,甚至連整個歐洲大陸都已經被這個來自英格蘭- 赫爾 的樂團強勢的佔領。

LIFE 進軍音樂市場是在2015年發行首張單曲 GO GO GO 後開始,從那一天起,他們的音樂就已經走出地下,並且透過主流的平台繼續影響著時下年輕人的叛逆。

雖然龐克風格的音樂並不是每一個人都會喜歡的風格,但是LIFE 卻深深的受到歐洲年輕人歡迎,原因或許是線上的主流歌手雖然荷包賺的扎實,但是卻沒有真實地為年輕人發聲,而這也就是 LIFE 的首張專輯 《 Popular Music 》所諷刺的事實,以及社會現象。


但是 LIFE 所處的時代卻有可能是身在龐克樂再次崛起的浪頭上,因為在這幾年英國政府的局勢不穩定,年輕人似乎失去了發聲的機會以及翻轉人生的可能,而 LIFE 卻唱出了年輕人的心聲以及透過最適當的龐克作為管道,因此在未來的幾年內 LIFE 不但有可能成為英國龐克音樂的新霸主,更有可能站在這一波浪頭上將龐克市場再造下一個黃金十年。

Who said Punk is dead? The British punk bank, LIFE is now sweeping across the British underground world, and even the entire continent of Europe has been heavily occupied by the band from Hull, England.

LIFE went into the market of music was 2015 after the released of their debut single ‘GO GO GO'. From that day on, their music has not underground anymore but they are still continuing influence you people who has rebel heart through mainstream platforms.

Although Punk-style music is not everyone’s cup of tea, LIFE is still popular by young Europeans. The reason is , perhaps, those pop singers have earned solid money but they have not really voiced for young people. And what a coincident LIFE's debut album just called “Popular Music”.

The rise and fade of punk music is mainly due to the dissatisfaction of the British society after the Second World War. The current situation of the whole country was dissatisfied. However, as everyone's economy gradually stabilises, the grunge rock and the pop music of the 1980s and 1990s have replaced Punk. British market and audience.

Apart from that the ear LIFE is living on may be the come back of Punk. Because in the past few years the situation of the British government is unstable, young people seem to have lost the opportunity to speak and the possibility of flipping their life, and LIFE sang for young people and through the most appropriate kind - punk. Therefore, in the next few years, LIFE will not only become the new bellwether of British punk music but more likely to rebuild the market of Punk music, create the next golden decade of PUNK.

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