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不只有籃球鞋,Li-Ning春夏系列New Frontier將顛覆你的印象/ Li-Ning SS21 “New Frontier”

Josh Lin

去年9 月,Li-Ning在巴黎時裝週憑藉「The Art of Movement」重磅亮相國際舞台,而這次新發布的全新視覺影片「New Frontier 新視界」中,Li-Ning重新剖析了這個始終探討的開創性主題,同時,也從字面上和喻意上進行了更深入的探索。

New Frontier由視覺藝術家Mel Bles構思和時尚造型師Jay Massacret共同打造,影片以洛杉磯的荒蕪沙漠為背景,而鏡頭裡的神秘人在廣大且複雜的地形中任意穿梭,營造出充滿未來卻又原始的氣息與氛圍。突然間,水柱湧向空中,水花漂浮在半空中,夾雜著肆虐的火光,與該系列的四個經典創作靈感「地、火、水、風」相互呼應。

New Frontier也將「地」這項元素,回溯到該系列的戶外美學,沉積岩層,流沙和豐厚的紅黏土完美體現了本季的色彩搭配,紡品處理和圖案。並且這個系列的其他地方,也可以一系列代表著「風」的白色單品,還有讓人象徵著「水」的淡藍色牛仔系列。



In September last year, Li-Ning made a major appearance on the international stage with "The Art of Movement" at Paris Fashion Week. In the newly released new visual film "New Frontier ", Li-Ning re-analyzed this pioneering theme that has always been discussed. At the same time, literally and figuratively, the brand-new field has been explored more deeply.

“New Frontier” was conceived by visual artist Mel Bles and fashion stylist Jay Massacret. The film is set in the barren desert of Los Angeles as the background, and the mysterious people in the lens shuttle freely through the vast and complex terrain, creating a futuristic yet primitive mood and atmosphere. Suddenly, a jet of water rushed into the air, and the water splashes floating in the air, mixed with raging firelight, echoed each other with the four classic inspirations of the series, "earth, fire, water, and wind".

“New Frontier” also traces the element of "earth" back to the outdoor aesthetics of the series. Sedimentary rock formations, quicksand and rich red clay perfectly reflect the color matching, textile processing and patterns of this season. And elsewhere in this series, there can also be a collection of white items that represent "wind", and a light blue denim collection that symbolizes "water".

In terms of silhouette, most of the clothing in the entire collection uses light fabrics and loose tailoring to create a freely movable style. This series of clothing also uses a large number of techniques such as folds and cascades to create a sense of abundance. When the user is curious to explore the changing environment around, all these elements and designs can make the movement more relaxed and free.



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