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Kent & Curwen 春夏2020形象廣告/ Kent & Curwen SS20 Campaign

Dylan Tang

今年春夏,英國時裝品牌 Kent & Curwen 使用了截然不同的手法來呈現最新一季的形象廣告。這一次,Kent & Curwen 邀請了英國年輕攝影師 Oliver Marshall 來為春夏2020的形象廣告掌鏡。

對攝影師 Oliver 而言,這一次的拍攝,是要利用隔離的時間,重訪英國東南海岸,一個他兒時出沒的地方,遊走離家鄉不遠的海邊小鎮馬蓋特(Margate)。而他選定拍攝的海灘包括惠斯塔布(Whistable)、荷尼灣(Herne Bay)、馬蓋特的博特尼灣(Botney bay at Margate),、布羅德斯泰爾(Broadstairs)和拉姆斯蓋特(Ramsgate)。透過 Oliver 的鏡頭,我們可以在這個形象廣告中體驗一個在夏日清晨下漫步的美麗場景。

這個形象廣告以 Kent & Curwen 重新演繹的玫瑰運動衫和 T 恤,和以傳統 scrimshaw 雕刻作品(由水手用骨頭和貝殼製作)為靈感的繪製系列為主軸,透過海灘的景觀和色彩的碰撞,並透過 Marshall 的絕佳技術,不僅包含了全景景觀和豐富細節的畫面,更讓 Kent & Curwen 的核心DNA玫瑰完美無瑕地如縙在其中。

This summer is quite different. Such as Kent & Curwen, a British fashion brand, it's Spring/Summer 2020 Campaign. In this collection, Kent & Curwen commissioned young English photographer, Oliver Marshall to create its SS20 campaign during this special period.

Oliver’s impulse was to use the time in isolation to revisit his childhood haunts along the south-east coast of England during his morning walks, in and around the coastal town of Margate, close to his family home. The beaches include; Whistable, Herne Bay, Margate (Botney bay), Broadstairs and Ramsgate. Through Oliver’s lens, we discover an early morning summer’s day walk taking in the beautiful surroundings.

Into and out of these photos, Kent & Curwen's rose sweatshirt and t-shirts in updated versions, as well as a drawn version inspired by traditional scrimshaw carvings historically made by seafarers in bone and shells are the core. And if we go from there, the images created by Marshall has the panoramic landscape and of rich details, that he then juxtaposed and collaged with the Kent & Curwen rose perfectly with nature.



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