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Kent & Curwen 忠孝SOGO快閃店開幕/ KENT & Curwen Pop-up Store in Taipei

Dylan Tang

英國著名傳統休閒男裝品牌Kent & Curwen於台北SOGO忠孝館開設為期七天的全新概念快閃店,並於於9月15日正式開幕。由創意總監Daniel Kearns與商業合作夥伴大衛·貝克漢(David Beckham)共同合作的首家新概念店鋪將於秋季在英國Floral Street 12號正式亮相,為細緻呈現嶄新設計概念,Kent & Curwen全面延伸新店設計,打造全台首間採用全新設計概念的快閃店。

自2016年起,創意總監Daniel Kearns與品牌合作夥伴貝克漢攜手合作,在當代男士服飾中加入嶄新元素,為Kent & Curwen的發展揭開新章節,吸引一眾追求時尚的年輕男士。Kearns領導品牌時裝系列、店舖及包裝的設計改革,並與擁有獨特個人風格的貝克漢緊密合作,引領品牌創新變革。

打破傳統,走入台北街頭,Kent & Curwen首間快閃店見證創意總監Daniel Kearns與品牌合作夥伴貝克漢合力打造的傲人成果。Daniel Kearns 表示:「保留傳統的店鋪視覺語言對我們非常重要,但同時也需要融入新的風格與元素,我們希望將現代新派氣韻與品牌的經典英倫傳統結合,使英倫男士風格走入街頭時尚。」

快閃店的設計概念運用現代和時尚的濾鏡,融合英國當地的歷史及品牌本身的英倫休閒運動傳統精髓,成功銜接品牌重要的轉型過程。快閃店以特製的金屬及綠色玻璃為裝潢,塑造出如維多利亞式的酒吧或橘園,為品牌經典英倫風格注入嶄新元素,並令人聯想起英國倫敦 – Kent & Curwen的起源地及英國美學的指標。

British heritage brand Kent & Curwen celebrated the launch of the first of the brand’s pop-up stores at SOGO on 15th September, 2017. The presentation will remain for a total of 7 days. The brand’s first concept store will open under the partnership of Creative Director, Daniel Kearns and Business Partner, David Beckham in the autumn at 12 Floral Street, Covent Garden, London and Kent & Curwen’s very first pop-up store in Taiwan takes its inspiration from the London concept store.

The brand, since 2016 has been under the watchful eye of Creative

Director Daniel Kearns and Business Partner David Beckham, which has undergone an international re-brand aimed at a younger more fashionable consumer. Kearns has taken the helm of the collection design, stores and packaging, working alongside Beckham who, with his innate sense of style, has helped guide the heritage brand through these changes.

Breaking free from the knot of tradition, Kent & Curwen’s new pop-up store is the first to showcase the efforts of Kearns and Beckham’s working relationship. “It was important for us to reference the past in the visual language of the retail design” comments Kearns. “We wish to combine the modern fashion elements with the brand’s British heritage, making it a ready-to-wear British street style”.

The design takes inspiration from British history and from the sporting heritage of the brand, both however viewed through a more fashionable lens. The pop-up store is constructed in aged metal and green glass, reminiscent of a decorative Victorian pub or orangery and a reference to London, the city to which Kent & Curwen owes so much of its aesthetic.


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