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Julian Zigerli 秋冬2019形象廣告/ Julian Zigerli AW19 Campaign

Dylan Tang

瑞士品牌 Julian Zigerli 的秋冬2019形象廣告「鐘聲響起」(Ring My Bell) 推出之後,在藝術時尚的世界裡,又讓人感受到一股無敵的暖流。

以男裝為主軸的Julian Zigerli,當然隨著世界的潮流走向,也推出了中性的服飾;這樣子的系列,不僅更深受市場的喜愛,也讓每一位想要打破藩籬的男性、女性都有更多不一樣的選擇。單從照片本身來看,男模特兒簡單的穿著富有個性的Julian Zigerli秋冬服飾,搭配上底片模式、沒聚焦的手法,都讓這一次的秋冬2019形象廣告增添了藝術的氣質。

Julian Zigerli 成立於2011年,每一件從Julian Zigerli出產的時裝,都有著像瑞士在這個世界上,獨一無二的重要性;而且Julian Zigerli所創造的時尚不單只有與潮流接軌,更與藝術有著強大的連結。想要穿出自信、充滿愛、與對人生的幽默風趣態度,那麼Julian Zigerli的時裝設計,就是下一步與人生接軌的最好選擇。

Swiss fashion brand, Julian Zigerli, unveiled their artistic Autumn/Winter 2019 campaign 'Ring My Bell'. In this winter, Zigerli just like the warm current in this fashion world.

Julian Zigerli keens to design menswear as the core of this brand. However, the trend of this world. There's less and less barrier between any genders. Hence, if you say Unisex is for Julian Zigerli, there's not exist a conflict just a perfect word. As you see the photography from this campaign, the aesthetic but simplify style is with Julian Zigerli's winter clothes. Furthermore, the film filter and defocus' technic, those are making this campaign outstanding and full of attitude.

Julian Zigerli launched in 2011, every single piece from this fashion house just like Switzerland's position in this world, UNIQUE. Plus if you are fond of magic, love, colour, humour and positivity clothes, then Julian Zigerli will be your top choice.




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