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Jess Cole的找鞋煩惱從此消失/ Jess Cole won't have trouble to finds her high heels

Dylan Tang

Jess Cole, 自從走了Celine的2018年春夏時裝秀之後,她的名聲在整個時尚圈蔓延開來。身兼模特兒和記者的Jess,一直以來的煩惱就是腳相對其他女性來說來的大,因此在買鞋子時,尤其是高跟鞋,常常讓她煩惱不知道該如何下手,甚至只能常穿魚口型的高跟鞋,來讓自己也能穿上禮服時,讓自己看起來造型更加完整。但是她心中永遠對買鞋都有一場夢靨,透過訪問時,她說道:


除此之外,伸展台上的 Jess Cole 也一樣有同樣的困擾,她發現除了 Celine、Saint LaurentPrada 外,很少有品牌顧及到腳大尺碼的女孩,Jess 認為,腳大尺碼的女孩也不想要天天穿球鞋,甚至只能穿男鞋,她們也想要充滿自信的穿著高跟鞋走路,讓自己看起來美麗動人。

因此Jess Cole 遇到了 Sophia Webster,這一個英國女鞋品牌在今年今天推出了 #SizingUp 計畫,為的就是要讓每一位有相同困擾的女孩也能夠穿上美麗的高跟鞋。Sophia Webster 將自己女鞋的尺寸調高到46號,為了就是讓每一位女性都能夠穿上自己設計的鞋,也能夠為自己感到更有自信。

Sophia Webster 從春夏2020開始,每一雙鞋款基本上都能夠找到46好的尺寸,甚至連她最經典的蝴蝶高跟鞋都擴增了尺寸,為的就要讓每一女性都能夠穿上屬於自己的高跟鞋,也讓曾經受過找不到鞋困擾的人,再也不用煩惱要去哪裡買穿起來舒適的高跟鞋款。

Jess Cole, since her debut for Celine's Spring/Summer 2018 fashion show, her name and fame have spread throughout the whole fashion industry. Jess, a model and journalist, has always had trouble with her feet compared to other women. Therefore, when buying shoes, especially high heels, it often troubles her. It made her struggle to buy a heals, even she found one she only can wear open toe. But who doesn't want a pair that can fit your dress? who doesn't want to look chic rather can only wear sneakers or boy sizes shoes? Hence, this nightmare keeps bothering Jess, she even said,

It’s something that I’ve dealt with my whole life.… I’d always have to wear the boys’ shoes. When I was sixteen and we were going for my prom we went to all the shops on the high street and I just wanted a really nice heel, and none of them fitted me properly and I just remember being sat there, in tears every time….I don’t think I’ve had a pair of heels in a size 43. Ever.”

Besides, Jess Cole on the runway has the same problems. She found that apart from Celine, Saint Laurent and Prada, not many brands have taken care of girls with bigger feet. Jess thinks that girls with bigger feet are also don't want to wear either sneakers or men's shoes every day. They also want to walk confidently in high heels to make themselves look beautiful.

So Jess Cole met Sophia Webster, a British women's shoe brand that launched the #SizingUp project. To solves, every girl with the same problems wears beautiful high heels. Sophia Webster extended the size of her women's shoes to size 46. This act is very brave and respectful, it allows each woman to wear their own shoes and feel more confident.

Styles offered in this range include Sophia’s best-selling Butterfly Flat, Butterfly Flat Sandal, Rosalind Mid and Chiara, as well as a new 140mm platform sandal and 40mm block heel slingback.

The Spring/ Summer ’20 collection delivers from November through until March.

Source from IMG Model


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