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Hugo Boss x Liam Payne 聯名系列/ Hugo Boss x Liam Payne capsule collection

Dylan Tang

德國時尚品牌 Hugo Boss 推出了與英國新生代歌手 Liam Payne 聯名的全新系列,在這個系列裡頭,Hugo Boss 幾乎推出了所有男性可以穿在身上的單品,從內褲、衛衣,到大衣,這一個與Payne一起推出的系列可以說是集大權於一身。

Liam Payne,前英國團體一世代(One Direction)的成員之一,26歲的Liam 單飛後,相繼推出了數張單曲;今年12月6日,將要推出首張個人專輯 《LP1》,伴隨著高人氣,以及強大的話題性,這一次與時裝龍頭之一的Hugo Boss 合作,更讓人能夠一窺這位告別男孩團體的偶像歌手的火辣身材。

而Liam受到訪問時也提到「這一支廣告非常情色,在拍攝之前我甚至沒被警告攝影師 Mert and Marcus 的拍攝手法有多裸露。但是我們也因此變成非常好的朋友。我們在拍攝之前,在他的家中唱卡拉OK唱到凌晨三點,這對我來說是一個很有趣的經驗。其實我還蠻意外他們會想要找我合作的,對我來說這一個對我的肯定,肯定我與時尚界還是有些關係的。」

Liam Payne 的新專輯《LP1》將要在2019年十二月六日推出

Hugo Boss unveiled their latest capsule collection with British singer Liam Payne. In this collection, Hugo Boss produced all items that you can imagine for Men. From boxer, jumper to a trench coat, you basically can say this collection is everything.

Liam Payne, the former singer from One Direction, after started his career, the 26-year-old released couple singles and this year his debut album "LP1" will be published on 6th December 2019. Alongside his fame and trending on social media, the campaign with Hugo Boss not just popular but sexy and mature.

Liam spoke to GQ UK about this campaign 'It got very raunchy very quickly. I hadn’t been properly warned about the amount of nudity Mert and Marcus do in their work, let's say. Mert’s actually become a really good friend now. We were in his house to three in the morning the other day singing karaoke, which is so funny. Yeah, I mean, really great to work with. I think everyone was quite surprised early on that they wanted to work with me and it kind of gave us a little nod and an entry into working in fashion proper.'

Liam Payne's debut album《LP1》will be released on 6th December 2019.




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