2021年的時裝到底會出現什麼不一樣的聯名系列呢?義大利時裝豪門Gucci 最近動作頻頻,除了剛推出與美國運動品牌The North Face 打造七零年代的美好外,更推出全世界最有名的機器貓「哆啦A夢」的聯名商品。當這個消息一推出,不僅跌破大家眼鏡,也讓人猜測創意總監 Alessandro Michele 是不是其實也是個哈日族?
在哆啦A夢設定的年代裡頭,一開始是以60年代出生的大雄作為背景,但是最後則改到2012年作為故事主線。這種年代跳躍的時光穿梭感,就像是Gucci 現在不斷跳躍時空來創造新的時裝一樣,有著巧合又可愛的不謀而合。然而時光穿梭並不是這個系列的主要亮點,其實這次合作也是為紀念這部漫畫誕生50週年。因此,這個男女裝特別系列將風靡世界的經典藍色哆啦A夢與雙G Logo融匯交織,且在一月下旬,為致敬農曆牛年而特別打造的趣味哆啦A夢變裝單品也將隨之亮相。
卡通人物之所以能夠深入人心,除了部分奇幻的故事屬性外,貼近日常生活的故事設定也是一大要點。因此,Gucci 特地找來了Angelo Pennetta掌鏡,將這位極具辨識度的卡通人物從2D轉入日常生活,並與一起入鏡的模特兒來場歡樂冒險。例如,從吃早餐到與朋友玩電動遊戲或在花園中辦派對,可愛的哆啦A夢都以虛擬朋友的身份為人們的生活帶來生動色彩。
Gucci 2021農曆新年系列採用可持續包裝,其中包括可循環利用的環保袋和附上紀念哆啦A夢誕生50週年的吊牌,且所有包裝都飾有哆啦A夢圖案。不只慶祝,Gucci更要愛護地球,為迎接這隻可愛的機器貓第100週年做鋪路。
Doraemon x Gucci聯名系列 店中店資訊
台北地點:台北101 Gucci專門店(台北市信義區市府路45號3F)
台中地點:台中新光三越 Gucci專門店(台中市西屯區台灣大道三段301號1F)
What impressive co-branded collection will appear in 2021 fashion? Gucci, the Italian fashion house, has been making frequent moves recently. In addition to just launching the beauty of the 1970s with the American sports brand The North Face, it also launched a collection with the world's most famous cat, Doraemon. When the news leaked, not only burn the internet but also made people wondering whether creative director Alessandro Michele is actually a Manga-lover?
In the era set by Doraemon, the main character, Nobita, born in the 60s, however, it changed to 2012 in the end. This sense of time-jumping is just like Gucci is now constantly jumping through time and space to create new fashions. However, time travel is not the main highlight of this collection. In fact, this cooperation is also to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the birth of this comic. Therefore, this special collection combines the world-famous Doraemon with the double G logo. In late January, Doraemon particular items will pay tribute to the Lunar New Year of the Ox will also be unveiled.
Cartoon characters can be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people; it might be the story set close to daily life is a major point. Therefore, Gucci specially worked with Angelo Pennetta to take this highly recognizable cartoon character from 2D into daily life. For example, from eating breakfast to playing video games with friends or organizing parties in the garden, Doraemon is participated and brings vivid colours to people's lives as virtual friends.
The Gucci 2021 Lunar New Year collection also adopts sustainable packaging, including recyclable, eco-friendly bags and a tag commemorating the 50th anniversary of Doraemon's birth. All packaging is with Doraemon patterns. Not only to celebrate, but Gucci also wants to love our planet and pave the way for the 100th anniversary of this cute Doraemon.