第78屆金球獎頒獎典禮日前順利落幕。在疫情尚未趨緩的2021春季,能繼續舉辦這個電視電影的指標獎項,也算是不幸中的大幸。雖然這麼說有失公平,但是金球獎也被號稱為奧斯卡金像獎的風向球,不論在作品類型,還是紅毯造型都是不容小覷的指標。 而事實證明,義大利時裝豪門 Gucci 在2021的金球獎再次展現了在商業與高端時尚取得平衡的純熟手法。
The 78th Golden Globe Awards ceremony ended successfully a few days ago. In 2021, when the pandemic has not yet slowed down, it is a good sign that we still have this international award on time. Although it is unfair to say that, the Golden Globe Award is also known as the Oscars' forecast icon. Both the winners and the red carpet fashion are predictable. Furthermore, the facts have proved that Gucci took over the 78th Golden Globe Awards once again and demonstrated the proficient skill of balancing business and high-end fashion.
Jared Leto

品牌好友 Jared Leto 穿上Gucci 一點都不令人意外,而且訂製的淺駝色70年代風格翻領外套、喇叭褲、縐紗襯衫、蘭花別針和白色Horsebit樂福鞋,讓人也聯想到前一陣子的品牌復古形象廣告。
On the red carpet, Jared Leto wore Gucci is not surprising at all. The custom-made beige 70s style lapel blazer, flared pants, crepe shirt, orchid brooch, and white Horsebit loafers are also remind us that Gucci's nostalgia campaign SS21 Campaign.
James Corden

脫口秀主持人 James Corden 則穿著深海軍藍三件式西裝、白色襯衫、黑色領結和黑色皮鞋,展現英倫紳士的標準穿搭。
On the other hand, James Corden wore a navy blue three-piece suit, white shirt, black bow tie and black leather shoes, showing the standard of British gentlemen.


入圍者Celeste穿著Gucci黑色天鵝絨和多色條紋亮片禮服,搭配銀色皮革高跟鞋,綠色緞面手套和18K金鑲紫水晶和鑽石的Lion Head耳環。
Vanessa Kirby

入圍者Vanessa Kirby穿著訂製的Gucci黑色天鵝絨露背洋裝。
Elle Fanning

入圍者Elle Fanning穿著訂製的Gucci薄荷綠緞面禮服,亮眼精緻的水晶裝飾,搭配銀色皮革高跟鞋。
Jackson Lee

金球獎大使Jackson Lee穿著訂製的Gucci黑色西裝,白色立領襯衫,以及深綠色的Gucci Grottesco緹花和服風外套,以黑色和紅色真絲鑲邊。搭配黑色蝴蝶結。