Prada 從種族歧視爭議到文化誤讀,這個義大利精品品牌似乎總在風波中前行。但令人玩味的是,儘管輿論聲量層層堆疊,Prada 的銷售數字卻屢創新高。這不禁讓人思考——在奢侈品世界裡,「嫌貨才是買貨人」或許才是生意不敗的真理。
Prada 在行銷與商業行為上的「翻車」從未缺席話題榜。不管是不是無心之過,這樣的行銷模式都讓人摸不著頭緒,及引人思考:難道一點敏銳度都沒有嗎?

• 「Pradamalia」黑臉風波:品牌多元形象的崩塌
2018 年,Prada 因推出「Pradamalia」公仔系列引發軒然大波,這些設計被指涉及「黑臉(Blackface)」種族歧視意象。此事件不僅讓 Prada 在公眾眼中形象重挫,也迫使品牌緊急下架產品,並承諾展開 內部多元文化培訓。然而,即便在爭議聲中,該系列部分限量品在二級市場反而炒出了高價,讓所謂「負評效應」真實上演。

• 2025 年農曆新年廣告「冰冷無感」引爆亞洲市場反彈
最新的行銷危機則是 2025 年的農曆新年廣告。以「現代極簡」風格詮釋東方節慶,卻因畫面色調冷冽、缺乏節慶氛圍而引發亞洲消費者不滿,被評為「對東方文化的無感解讀」。有趣的是,雖然品牌廣告被罵爆,但新年限定系列包款仍迅速售罄,讓「罵歸罵,買還是買」成為 Prada 最真實的註腳。
Prada 在道德層面的爭議,讓品牌陷入「信任赤字」,但市場反應卻再一次驗證了「嫌貨才是買貨人」的定律。
• 供應鏈醜聞:新疆強迫勞動疑雲
在 2023 年,Prada 被曝與涉嫌使用維吾爾族強迫勞動的供應商有關,品牌雖聲明「無直接參與」,但消費者對於「道德可持續性」的質疑仍甚囂塵上。然而,諷刺的是,這場道德風暴並未讓 Prada 失去市場份額,反而在年輕世代「批評中擁有話語權」的心理下,成為社交媒體上不可忽視的熱議品牌。
• 稅務醜聞與企業治理陰影
2014 年,Prada 曾因逃漏稅醜聞與義大利政府對簿公堂,雖然品牌最終補繳稅款並與政府達成和解,但對其「家族治理」模式的批評卻持續多年。這些負面標籤,讓 Prada 身上的「叛逆高冷品牌」形象反而更加鞏固,意外收穫了喜歡「有個性」品牌的年輕消費族群。
Prada 秋冬2025時裝秀
儘管 Prada 過去幾年爭議不斷,但資本市場卻用數字表明了——輿論風暴帶來的,往往是話題紅利。
• 2024 上半年業績:成長 18%,穩坐奢侈品賽道
根據 Prada 集團財報,2024 年上半年銷售額年增 18%,其中亞洲市場雖歷經公關危機,但仍是最大貢獻區域,顯示品牌即使被罵,仍擁有堅實的粉絲經濟。
• 副牌 Miu Miu「帶飛」整個 Prada 集團
更驚人的是,2024 年第三季度,Miu Miu 銷售額大漲 105%,成為 Prada 集團成長引擎。年輕世代對 Miu Miu 的「叛逆學院風」趨之若鶩,連帶讓 Prada 整個集團的年營收遠超預期。
被罵又如何?Prada 笑著數錢就好
「嫌貨才是買貨人」,這句話或許正是 Prada 成功的商業註腳。在流量時代,爭議往往成為話題,話題就是流量,而流量終究會變現。Prada 在設計上屢屢踩雷、在商業上飽受批評,卻在資本市場上屢創佳績,這一切只因:
對 Prada 而言,黑紅也是紅,被罵也是營收。 而最終,當業績數字放在桌上時,市場只會記得:「誰能在罵聲中賺得最多,誰才是真正的贏家。」
From Backlash to Bankroll: Prada’s Success Amid Controversy
Prada has frequently found itself embroiled in controversies, from accusations of racial insensitivity to cultural missteps. Yet, despite intense public scrutiny, the Italian luxury giant consistently posts impressive sales figures. This phenomenon raises a crucial question: In the luxury market, could the adage “Criticism drives sales” hold true?
Marketing Missteps and Public Backlash
Prada’s marketing campaigns have repeatedly sparked backlash, prompting questions about the brand’s cultural awareness.
The 'Pradamalia' Blackface Controversy (2018): The release of the 'Pradamalia' figurines, criticised for evoking blackface imagery, caused severe reputational damage. Prada swiftly withdrew the products and pledged to implement diversity training. Ironically, certain limited-edition pieces surged in value on secondary markets, embodying the 'negative publicity effect.'
2025 Lunar New Year Campaign: A campaign intended to evoke modern minimalism was condemned for lacking cultural warmth, resulting in criticism from Asian consumers. Yet, the brand’s limited-edition collection sold out swiftly, proving that controversy can coexist with commercial success.
Business Scandals and Ethical Concerns
Despite accusations of unethical practices, Prada’s market appeal remains undiminished, highlighting the paradox of 'trust deficit' versus brand allure.
Supply Chain Allegations (2023): Reports linking Prada to suppliers accused of forced labour in Xinjiang drew global condemnation. Nevertheless, the controversy amplified Prada’s visibility on social platforms, attracting younger consumers who value brands with cultural relevance.
Tax Evasion Scandal (2014): Prada's entanglement in a tax evasion dispute with the Italian government tarnished its corporate image. Yet, the brand’s rebellious, 'high-brow outsider' persona resonated with younger audiences, reinforcing its aspirational appeal.
Profits Beyond Public Outcry: The Business of Backlash
While critics decry Prada’s controversies, the company’s financial performance tells a different story—one of resilience and market dominance.
2024 H1 Performance: Prada reported an 18% rise in sales, with Asia remaining a key driver despite regional controversies.
Miu Miu’s Record Growth: Prada's subsidiary Miu Miu saw a 105% surge in sales in Q3 2024, fuelled by Gen Z’s embrace of its ‘rebellious academia’ aesthetic.
Conclusion: From Controversy to Commercial Triumph
In an era where digital discourse shapes brand narratives, Prada demonstrates that notoriety can be as valuable as acclaim. The formula is clear:
Criticism equals conversation, conversation fuels engagement, and engagement drives sales.
Ultimately, in the luxury market, the loudest brand is often the most lucrative. And as Prada counts its profits, it proves that in fashion, even bad press is good business.