Paul Taylor,旅居法國的英國人。他的頻道《What The Fuck France》在2016年推出之後,他的名字像野火一樣迅速蔓延在英法兩地的社群媒體上,從那個時候開始,他在節目裡的幽默表現便開始深植人心,並且因為他喜劇演員的身份以及他在節目中獨特的表演方式,使得青年們的網路文化開始產生了改變。
雖然在《What The Fuck France》裡獲得了巨大的成功,但是到了2017後半年,他卻將他的節目從《What The Fuck France》改成為《What’s Up France》;不過儘管節目的名稱不同,但是他在影片中的角色特質卻一貫地繼續影響著網路文化。
所謂人如其名,他在影片中的角色特質就跟他節目的標題如出一徹; Paul Taylor 在影片中總是生氣,總是批評對於法國人來說再正常不過的事,而他所提出的觀點不僅對法國人,甚至對世界上所有人而言只要看完影片後都會會心一笑的恍然大悟。你可以不喜歡他的影片,但你不可以否認他的 #Frangalais 在現在的世界裡獲得了巨大的成功。 作為一個喜劇演員,他成功的抓住通往功成名就的鑰匙,也因為他勇於批判,因此他人生的故事才正要開始。透過與 Paul Taylor 的獨家訪問,我們能夠從他的回答檢視他做這個節目的初衷,和他內心世界裡真正不為人知的一切。

是什麼機緣讓你開始你開始錄製 What The Fuck France 呢?
在我的第一部影片 “ La Bise ” 在網路上獲得迴響之後,Canal+ 聯絡我並且跟我說有意願跟我一起創造了一個同樣概念的電視迷你節目。 我一直很喜歡錄影片,所以當電視公司為你提供的機會,你很難去拒絕!而這也是為什麼 What The Fuck France 如何誕生的。
你有沒有擔心法國人可能不喜歡它? 在發布第一個影片之後,你有擔心過任何可能引發的後果嗎?
是的,我有想過這件事情,但是發布影片之後,我發現法國人是可以自嘲的,所以我覺得這個系列其實是可行的。 再加上我從來沒有這樣的意思,對我來說,我很喜歡法國和法國人,否則我不會在這裡住上8年,也不會跟一個法國女人結婚。可能就像法國人說的吧 ‘qui aime bien châtie bien!’ (你越喜歡就會會陷下去)
什麼原因讓你將 What The Fuck France 改變成 What’s Up France 呢?
其實從一開始,我就知道What the Fuck France 這個節目特質是有時間性的;一段時間後,他會開始變得很無聊,因為你不可能永遠一直用這種形態做節目。 相反的,新聞不斷得發生而且在改變,所以我想我可以轉而對法國新聞或有關法國的新聞用同樣的手法製作節目。

對 What’s Up France 而言,我只是從新聞裡面試圖找到一些點子,並且透過那些法想延伸,製作出人們看完節目後會會新一笑的主題。
有可能,但那不是我最初的目標。 許多英語教師經常告訴我,他們在課堂上使用我的影片當教材,這對我來說是非常不可思議的,因為我在影片中真的太經常在罵人了。
對我來說每一個環節非常重要,但我想說的是,如果內容不好笑那麼也不管他的製作團隊多麽優秀, 那麼結果就不會是好的。
你認為溝通有多重要? 你如何通過影片與觀眾溝通?
這取決於風格。 我的節目算是電視節目跟部落客比起來,比較少有機會跟觀眾溝通。 不過我都是直接對著鏡頭說話,可能觀眾也會覺得比較有參與感吧。但是當我站在舞台上的時候,我比誰都更接近我的觀眾。
這一切都取決於將來想要做的是什麼。 我已經花了18個月與觀眾建立關係,所以無論我未來做什麼,我都會確保我的節目名稱跟我的節目內容是如出一徹的。
你未來的計劃是什麼? 你有想要往其他領域發展嗎?
絕對是一個喜劇演員。 在“What The Fuck France”推出之前,我正在開發我想做的喜劇和我將近一小時的現場表演。 而且,我主持的節目是在在電視上播出,也通過電視公司製作的,所以跟真正的YouTuber還是非常得不同。 基本上就像是 Jimmy Fallon, John Oliver Comdey Central 一樣,在電視上播出之後才上傳到 Youtuber 上而已。

Introducing Paul Taylor, an English man in France. His YouTube channel What The Fuck France launched in 2016. Since then his name has spread like wildfire, and his sense of humour has deeply rooted itself in people’s heart. This comedian has changed the way people consume videos. After nearly eight months, Paul renamed his channel from What The Fuck France to What’s Up France. Despite the obvious name change, his persona remains the same as it always has.
As seen from the title of his videos, his character has a standout personality and adopts the portrayal as an angry man. Paul Taylor criticises almost everything about France but refrains from talking about other cultures. You can dislike his videos, but you can’t deny that his #Frangalais has had a huge impact on online culture. As a comedian, he caught the wind to the path of triumph and his story is only just beginning. Through our little chat with Paul Taylor, we’ve been able to examine his world and get an insight into what really goes on in his mind.
What motivated you to launch What The Fuck France?
After the success of my first video “La Bise”, Canal+ got in touch with me to create a mini-series for TV based on the same concept. I have always loved making videos, so when a TV company offers you the opportunity, it’s hard to say no! That’s how What The Fuck France was born.
Have you ever worried about how French people may not like it? Did you think about any consequences after publishing your first video?
Yes, I thought about it but, through doing stand-up, I discovered that French people can laugh at themselves, so I figured it could work. Plus I am never that mean, and deep down, I love France and French people, otherwise, I would not be living here for 8 years and I would not have married a French woman. They say in French “qui aime bien châtie bien!”
What caused you to change What The Fuck France to What's Up France?
From the beginning, I knew that making fun of the French stereotypes would be ok for a limited time: after a while, it gets boring, there isn’t an unlimited amount of stereotypes you can make fun of. On the contrary, news is constantly changing and I thought I could make jokes about French news or news related to France.
How did you choose the topic for your video?
For What’s Up France, I just read the news and tried to find something that inspired me and that I thought could make people laugh.

Do you think your video has educated your audiences?
Potentially, but that was never the goal. English teachers often tell me that they are using my videos in class which is absolutely crazy to me considering the amount of swearing in each video.
As a video maker, what's the most important aspect that requires the most attention?
Everything is important, but I would say that if the writing is not funny then it does not matter how well it is produced, it won’t be good.
How did you build a bridge between you and your audience?
There is no bridge, because there is no water.

How important would you say communication is? How do you communicate to your audiences through your video?
It depends on the style. My show is a TV show so there is less need to communicate to the audience compared to a vlogger, but I’ve been close to my audience from the beginning when I got on stage. I speak directly to the camera so people feel included too.
Have you ever thought about changing the name to your channel again?
It all depends what the next project will be. I’ve spent 18 months building an audience so whatever I do next, I’ll make sure that the channel reflects the project.
What's your future plan? Do you have any aspirations to branch out into other areas?
For now, I’d like to focus on my stand-up show, even if I’m still working on new tv projects.
Which title do you think relates more to yourself: a YouTuber or a Comedian?
Definitely a Comedian. I was doing stand up comedy and developing my one hour stand up show way before the program What The Fuck France was launched. And also the videos are broadcast on TV initially and they are produced by a TV company, so it’s very different from a real YouTuber who makes videos only for YouTube. Basically I make a TV show that is re-broadcast onto YouTube, like Jimmy Fallon, John Oliver, Comedy Central etc.
Photos courtesy for TAIKER Magazine