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回歸 Giorgio Armani 初心本質的春夏2022男裝系列/ Forever Young, Giorgio Armani SS22 Back To Where It Started

Dylan Tang

加倍地洗滌身心,米蘭時裝週因為 Giorgio Armani 的秀更完整了!春夏2022;Giorgio Armani 將自己回歸到當時設計的初心,並讓自己卓越的品味爆發並暴露在自己的最新設計。不論這個世界如何劇烈地變動,Giorgio Armani 總是能在這個世界找到最和諧的弦律,進而在自己的時尚王國裡打造出最生意盎然的絕美景色。

Giorgio Armani 至今推出無數的系列,從頭到腳,想要讓自己擁有經典的義式風格,那麼 Giorgio Armani 就是穿搭的圭臬。春夏2022 這個義大利品牌一口氣推出了61套時裝,其中流暢的剪裁和薄質面料,穿在模特兒身上給人隨心所欲的自在。這樣子的氛圍就像每位義大利男性一樣,對萬物充滿熱情,卻又不被現實枷鎖。

針織衫上的花,就像是設計師 Armani 這次設計的主題「回到原點」一樣,總是能在自己心中的某處找到最初的感動。整場秀交織著活力、舒適及大膽的運動氛圍,色彩運用以基礎藍、裸沙色和純粹白為主,更加入了醒目的紅與綠,讓人聯想起生意盎然且和諧的自然世界。

時裝秀接近尾聲,穿著正裝的模特兒一走出,所有人站立鼓掌,為的就是要向這位偉大的設計師致敬。因為 Giorgio Armani 的正裝舉世聞名,沒有人能相互匹敵。接近謝幕時刻,每一位模特兒脫下鞋子,踏在象徵自然的步道上。回到原點,不僅是這場秀的主題,更是Armani 先生內心真摯的感受。


Like A Cup Of Fruit Tea. Milan Fashion Week completes because of Giorgio Armani! For the Spring/Summer 2022, Giorgio Armani BACK TO WHERE IT STARTED and exploded his outstanding taste and address it to his latest design.

No matter how this world is unstable, Giorgio Armani can always find the most harmonious rhythm and create the most thriving scenes in his fashion kingdom.

Giorgio Armani has launched countless collection, from head to toe; if you want to have a classic Italian style, then Giorgio Armani is the one you should follow. Spring/Summer 2022, the Italian brand launched 61 total looks in one go. The silhouette and light fabrics on the model give people a concept that Fashion is Freedom. This vibe is like every Italian gentleman, full of enthusiasm for everything but not stuck by reality.

The flower on the jumper is like Armani's theme of SS22 BACK TO WHERE IT STARTED this time. You can always find the initial touch somewhere in your heart. The whole show is intertwined with a vigorous, comfortable and bold feeling. The collection is imbued with a particular sense of lightness: weightless materials, shapes that fluidly caress the body, a calm and nonchalant attitude. A sporty way of dressing—dynamic, comfortable and bold—made up of instinctive and essential choices and colours that span from blue to sandy hues and chalk white, with pops of red and green that recall the world of nature — always in harmony, of course.

When the show was nearly finished, everyone stood and applauded to pay tribute to this great designer as soon as the models walked out with a suit. Because Giorgio Armani's suit is world-renowned, no one can beat him. Towards the curtain call, every model took off their shoes and stepped on a path symbolizing nature. BACK TO WHERE IT STARTED is the theme of this show and the sincere feelings in Mr Armani's heart.



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