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提升時髦感 dunhill 推出奢華又實用穿Compendium 派克大衣/ dunhill’s Compendium Parka is luxurious yet practical

Dylan Tang



英國時尚品牌 dunhil 推出以品牌檔案庫內一隻配有多種實用迷你工具的多功能男士便攜箱盒,內置香煙盒、折疊刀、打火機及手錶等工具為靈感的Compendium 派克大衣。這件大衣如同同名的 “派克” 名號,擁有多功的特性。

Compendium 派克大衣可一分為四;Rolla Quil短款襯墊,雙 面羊絨襯墊和雙面羊毛兜帽襯墊均為可拆卸襯墊,可與外層大衣搭配,隨性組裝合意造型。除此之外,這件大衣還採用環保材質,以漁網、地毯和織物等廢棄材料製成的再生尼龍,並以對動物更為有益的創新型羊毛製成。在保持傳統羊毛製品輪廓的同時,同時維持輕盈質的穿著感受。

Dunhil 這次推出的Compendium 派克大衣實現一衣多穿,揮別一次性單品,向實用耐穿致意。想在這個秋冬同時展現實用性與奢華感,或許只要穿上dunhill 的Compendium 派克大衣,這個夢想一點都不難達成。


The winter is coming; it’s time that we should prepare a coat for the last season in a year. However, a coat isn’t just a coat. We must think twice about what we are going to wear while picking a proper coat.


Introducing the dunhill Compendium Parka. A new outerwear concept giving more value to timeless design. Inspired by a utilitarian, multi-functional men's compact found in the dunhill Archive, this unique object featured different practical tools in miniature, including a cigarette case, pocket-knife, lighter and watch, amongst others.

Compendium Parka is a versatile garment that can be worn in various ways. The coat can be zipped away to become a jacket, its lining detached to become a separate piece in its own right. Compendium Parka is a Quilted Liner Jacket, Shearling Reversible Coat or Double-Faced Wool Cashmere Coat can be attached one at a time to the inside of the Shell Parka, to build the desired outerwear piece. Besides, Eco-conscious materials have been considered, including a regenerated nylon made from waste materials such as fishing nets, carpets and fabric, alongside an innovative, animal friendly shearling.

Through the creation of one garment that fulfils many needs, emphasis is placed on longevity over disposability. Realised in luxurious yet practical materials; utility, function and elegance find form in one everlasting, yet always changing item.


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