DOS STUDIO 成立於2017年,致力於創造出舒適、簡單但是仍然有型的男性服飾;對於這個品牌而言,他們和科技結合並且使用能夠永續發展的面料就是當初成立的使命。
DOS STUDIO 推出的 2018秋冬形象廣告將品牌核心理念完整的展現,透過簡單的背景以及數張沒有模特兒展示服裝的照片,將極簡風格發揮到極致;在這一組照片形象廣告裡頭,你看不到使眼睛疲勞的撞色設計,有的只有凸顯出重點的搭配以及翻轉大家對於熱情西班牙的冷調氛圍。
DOS STUDIO launched in 2017. This Madrid-based brand keens to create the comfortable, simple but sharpe's menswear. Also, using sustainable fabrics and working with technologically engineered are their passion due to their strong sense of purpose from the beginning.
The autumn/winter 2018 campaign completely showcased DOS STUDIO's brand DNA. From the simple background to the harmonises combination of colour, this series of photography focus on DOS STUDIO's autumn/winter 2018 collection. Furthermore, it reverses the warm Spanish to the cool Madrid fashion.
