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DIOR MEN 秋冬2020形象廣告/ DIOR MEN AW20 Campaign

Dylan Tang

DIOR 發表了由Steven Meisel 掌鏡的 2020 冬季男裝形象廣告。這次的視覺充滿了夢境般的場景重現大秀氛圍,散發荷蘭名畫般的靜謐凝鍊。

創意總監 Kim Jones 表示:「我喜歡致敬 Judy Blame 的這場秀。在拍攝形象照時我們重現大秀場景,藉此突顯本系列的高級訂製服細節。」

這次的形象廣告延續了秀場上的氣氛,煙霧繚繞的幽黯玻璃箱散發淡藍微光,為的就是致敬Christian Dior 和 Judy Blame 詩意風格顯著的傳奇人物。

Dior 的永恆優雅與 Judy Blame 的英式顛覆態度在模特兒演繹下完美結合,Judy Blame 運用日常物品如掛鎖和安全別針,打造前衛大膽風格。絲綢和刺繡的雲紋光澤、阿拉伯變形蟲花紋皆呈現高級訂製服的考究細節。配件焦點包括 Hobo新月風格的 Saddle馬鞍軟包、附背帶的 Saddle 子母式馬鞍長夾、新款 Christian Dior Atelier 後背包、繫帶馬球靴…這些夢幻單品完整了整體造型,散發紳士專屬的優雅品味。


DIOR MEN unveiled the autumn/winter 2020 campaign, which lensed by Steven Meisel. In this photo, it

reinterpreting the scenography of the show, these striking compositions evoke the mysterious beauty of Dutch Master paintings.

“I loved the show we did to celebrate Judy Blame and wanted to highlight the couture aspects of the collection by recreating the set for the shoot”, Kim Jones

Further prolonging the spirit of the show, a glass cube filled with enchanting billowing clouds colours the darkness with bluish evanescence; a poetic tribute to the passionate souls Christian Dior and Judy Blame, the iconoclastic personality whose visionary modernity inhabits this collection.

The models wear pieces that combine Dior’s timeless allure with the subversive attitude of the English artist, who appropriated everyday objects – such as padlocks and safety pins – as daring accessories. House codes steeped in haute couture references are embodied in the moiré sheen of silk and embroideries, and in the arabesque scrolls of paisley.

Opera gloves complete each look, along with the Saddle and Soft Saddle bags, the latter a hobo version of the House icon –, the new double pochette with shoulder strap that redefines the Saddle’s curves, to boots that revisit the “Jodhpur” style, these objects of desire punctuate a series of luminous images celebrating the reinvention of grace. Photographer: Steven Meisel Art Director: Ronnie Cooke Newhouse Stylist: Melanie Ward Make-Up Artist: Pat MacGrath Hairdresser: Guido Palau Models: LUCAS EL BALI @NEW MADISON - LUDWIG WILSDORFF @PREMIUM - PATRICK WALDRON @PREMIUM - THATCHER THORNTON @CHARLIE - MALICK BODIAN @SUCCESS - OTTO NAHMMACHER @IMG - JECARDI SYKES @HEROES #DIOR #MENSWEAR #CAMPAIGN #AW20 #KIMJONES #StevenMeisel



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