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「渴望」KIDILL 秋冬2021時裝秀 / ‘Desire’ KIDILL AW21 Collection

Dylan Tang

隨著時間推移,日本設計師品牌KIDILL將秋冬2021的最新時裝一舉躍上巴黎時裝週的官方排程,並希望透過實體時裝秀以及設計師Hiroaki Sueyasu的創意能量, 為這個因為遭受到疫情摧毀的世界提供一個嶄新的視野。

設計師 Hiroaki Sueyasu 提到:「時裝秀是一個我能展現“時尚的力量”以及告訴大家我和團隊們心中價值的最好舞台。對我來說,過程中我並沒有太多畏懼,因為我相信我能透過這個方式將我的能傳傳給所有人。這一次的時裝並沒有跟著時尚趨勢走,反倒是將龐克注入設計概念。因為這一次的時裝就像我一樣“不畏懼改變”。」


KIDILL的秋冬2021時裝找來了L.A.藝術家 Jesse Draxler 合作,將服裝上注入印花和拼貼的效果。顏色上則是以黑、白、紫、粉...搭配格紋的設計展現龐克的標誌視覺。若你也是龐克風的擁護者,那麼這次 KIDILL 和 Jesse Draxler 的原創設計,將這個英國起源的社會裡面,披上了法國和日本的新態度。


從2020年開始 KIDILL 就開始與 EDWIN 有著緊密的合作。對這兩個日本品牌而言,手作的技術、技巧高超的縫紉能力,都展現在這次的秋冬2021上頭的丹寧面料上。此外,這個產業吹起的永續發展風,在這個系列中也清楚可見。

KIDILL 秋冬2021系列整整的36套時裝裡,我們看見的不僅是品牌推出的最新產品。再進行深入的研究,其實 “不畏懼改變” 這個理念就像是龐克當初對社會不滿的怒吼一樣。畢竟,身處於亂世之中的每個人,都應該抱持著不怕改變的決心,才能真正勇敢的走下去。


From time to time, Japanese brand KIDILL has finally on the official schedule of Paris Fashion Week. In the latest collection, the physical runway and designer Hiroaki Sueyasu has shown a strong creation as a fashion designer in this time when the world is less energized with the COVID-19 outbreak.

Hiroaki Sueyasu says, “Fashion show is the best platform for me to express what I have created and present the power of fashion that me and my team trusts in. For me to progress without fear will make my future and believe that this energy will convey on to the others. Without swaying on the trends I want to pursue creating the clothes with the punk mind. It is clear what I have to do now, to show my collection without fearing the changes.”

Art in the dark

This season KIDILL collaborated with the next generation artist Jesse Draxler based in LA. The one and only artist that expresses the darkness by different methods such as painting and collage, the jet black Jesse creates is filled with beauty and sophistication. The mix of Jesse’s darkness and the punk style of KIDILL shown through the original artwork created for this creation elevates to the next new style.

Especially the colour they choose, black, white, purple, pink… these colour combine with tartan literally showcase the culturally of PUNK.

Japanese craftsmanship

From 2020 every season KIDILL collaborates with EDWIN, a reputable Japan denim brand. The collaboration with their traditional craftsmanship, high skilled sewing techniques producing high quality denim, and working on sustainability by re-using discarded fabrics and building a wastewater treatment facility for the washed indigo water brings KIDILL a futuristic change.

KIDILL’s AW21 collection has 36 looks in total. The show we saw isn’t just new products unveiled by a brand. Seen through deeply, ‘…without fearing the changes.’ Just like what Punk bring to us. Eventually, we are currently live in a world with chaos. Why should we afraid of being change? We should keep our body stand firm and keep walking.



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