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Carlota Barrera 秋冬2019形象廣告/ Carlota Barrera AW19 Campaign

Dylan Tang

倫敦品牌 Carlota Barrera 的2019秋冬形象廣告,將男性之間的特殊情愫幻化為平面影像,呈現給每一位心中都有「兄弟羅曼史」的男孩與男人們。

甫從2018才推出男裝系列的 Carlota Barrera,她的2019秋冬系列以黑白色系為主,大地色系為輔為主要視覺設計;而在這次的秋冬形象廣告中,您是否也有一樣的感覺,一種《重慶森林》再次出現的既視感。

這一次的拍攝手法 Carlota Barrera 將場景搬進了一套小公寓裡頭,兩位男模特兒不僅透過肢體語言表現出濃濃的情愫外,更透過光影之間的巧妙搭配,讓男性的神秘感又更上一層樓。上頭提到《重慶森林》的既視感在這一個形象廣告出現,其實也是因為,現代人在都市叢林中缺乏情感的元素;雖然並不是每一個人都有著這樣的孤寂感,但是想要打破這樣令人失望與傷心的感覺,似乎只能透過與心愛的人在狹小、受限制的空間裡,互相取暖得到愛吧。

Carlota Barrera 的2019秋冬形象廣告,找來了攝影師 Jorge Pérez Ortiz、造型師 Adrian Bernal 和兩位模特兒 Aitor SegurolaFran García 一起呈現男性之間不可言喻的神秘情愫。

Carlota Barrera, London fashion brand, unveiled their Autumn/Winter 2019 campaign. In this campaign, 'Bromance' is a special atmosphere and it showcased the mystery love between men, boy or any male in this world.

Launched in 2018, Carlota Barrera is the new but tough blood menswear brand in this industry. Her autumn/winter'19 collection is defined by black and white and plus with earth tone. Furthermore, the déjà vu of 'Chungking Express' has discovered from this campaign.

In this campaign, Carlota Barrera set the scene into a tiny apartment. At this space, two male models build a special relation though their body langue, sight and Barrera's winter clothes. Aforementioned, the déjà vu of 'Chungking Express' can found in this photography. That's because a citizen of the modern world often feels lonely, lack of love in the concrete jungle. However, there's not everyone who owns the same touch as lonelier as we are. But if you want to break the sadness, the only way is you found the love, even you have to be prisoned at the smallest world.

Carlota Barrera's autumn/winter 2019 campaign, featured photographer Jorge Pérez Ortiz, stylist Adrian Bernal, models Aitor Segurola and Fran García.




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