法國時裝品牌Berluti推出了由彭于晏演繹的2020春夏形象廣告。這支形象廣告由創意總監Kris Van Assche 擔任藝術指導,並由全球知名時尚攝影團隊 M/M (Paris)工作室負責執行,並以及知名攝影師 Alasdair McLellan 掌鏡。值得一提的是,這也是McLellan第3次攜手 Berluti 創作廣告形象大片。

本季廣告大片以攝影師的獨特視角,捕捉 Berluti 紳士與古城羅馬之間的光影故事。品牌代言人彭于晏以其一貫的優雅自信詮釋當代紳士,漫步遊走在摩登與復古交織的時空隧道中,巧妙地將全新2020夏季系列明亮奔放的色彩以沉靜內斂的方式娓娓道來。


French fashion brand Berluti unveiled its Spring/Summer 2020 campaign performed by Eddie Peng. This campaign is directed by creative director Kris Van Assche and is executed by the world-renowned fashion photography team M / M (Paris) Studio. Furthermore, it photographed by Alasdair McLellan. It is worth mentioning that this is also the third time that McLellan has collaborated with Berluti to create its world-class campaign. This blockbuster captures the story between light and shadow at Berluti's gentlemen vibes. By walking in the ancient city of Rome, McLellan's unique perspective and Eddie's contemporary gentleman look enhanced the elegance and confidence. Wandering in the space-time tunnel intertwined with modern and retro, this campaign contained the bright and unrestrained colours of the latest SS20 collection in a calm and restrained manner. To provoke the Asian market, Berluti is not just looking for Taiwan ’s popular actor, Eddie Peng ’s reputation is even higher than that of entire Asia. Perhaps this is why most major fashion brands are now looking for Asians as the face for their campaign. After all, the consumption of fashion is now not only limited to Westerners but one thing that every citizen on earth cares about.