自從 2011 年 Olivier Rousteing 接管法國品牌 BALMAIN 之後,每每推出的服裝以及形象廣告都是每年大家注目的焦點;
在這一次的2017秋冬形象廣告裡頭,BALMAIN的廣告背景來自時尚之都- 巴黎;並且找來了超模Jon Kortajarena、Marlon Teixeira、 Presley Gerber 和 Ton Heukels 一同露面。

Since 2011, BALMAIN back to the trending topic after Olivier Rousteing took over this brand.
Menswear, womenswear, campaign..etc etc. everything from this fashion house have been to the hottest thing on Internet.
The Autumn/Winter 2017 campaign, BALMAIN back to Paris, and let hottest super models participated with this breathtaking masterpiece. ( Jon Kortajarena, Marlon Teixeira, Presley Gerber and Ton Heukels )

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