加拿大時裝品牌 Andrew Coimbra 推出了秋冬2019的形象廣告
這一支廣告由攝影師 McKenzie James 掌鏡,並試圖拍出大人心中的那一顆赤子之心。對於長大後的我們,是不是有時候也有些想要叛逆的心呢?於是,Andrew Coimbra 將時裝與現實的我們的心情視覺化,將大人們穿著時裝卻在拍照時故作有趣,甚至有些幼稚的肢體透過模特兒表現出來。
Andrew Coimbra, the Toronto fashion brand, launched the autumn/winter 2019 campaign.
This campaign shot by McKenzie James and created the adulthood but own the naive action. For us, as a grown person, we do feel like that sometimes we want to be be like a kid, sometimes be an adult is boring. Therefore, Andrew Coimbra visualised this feeling for us, with his autumn/winter 2019 collection.
Sometimes we don't need to be an adult.
Sometimes it just perfect to track back to be like a kid.