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Richard Biedul;實力派模特兒/ An exceptional man, Richard Biedul

Dylan Tang

Richard Biedul;從頭到腳散發出強烈迷人氣息的模特兒,一直以來都是各大攝影師追逐的焦點,也是時裝週裡的常客更是各個品牌愛用的國際名模。

其實模特兒事業並不是Richard Biedul 從小致力於的目標,在展開伸展台的事業之前,他擔任的是和光鮮亮麗的模特兒職業有著強烈對比的律師;儘管大家不太熟知Biedul律師時期的故事,但是現在能夠透過鏡頭接觸這位迷人模特兒,那麼也可以算是得到心中小小的慰藉吧。


透過社群媒體的力量,Richard Biedul 的 Instagram 除了有他平時出席活動的照片、為品牌和雜誌工作的作品以外,他也不吝嗇地與大家分享他旅遊時拍攝的風景跟他與愛犬的合照;他所飼養的臘腸犬時不時的會出現在他的Instagram 上頭,而不管是抱著愛犬的他,還是在路上和愛犬散步的他,都讓這位模特兒更增添了許多魅力。

Richard Biedul 之所以能夠獲得大家的青睞,除了天生擁有模特兒該具備的條件之外,他在時尚產業裡的美學之作也驚艷大家的目光;Richard Biedul 在幫英國品牌 River Island 擔任模特兒以外,更讓擔任了自己的造型師、Twenty6 Magazine 的 35mm 攝影,Richard Biedul 更是這部大片的藝術和造型總監。

現年33歲的 Richard Biedul 儘管擔任模特兒的生涯只有短短的六年,但是對於時尚產業而言,這位從法律界轉換跑道來的模特兒已經建立起自己的地位,更透過實力向大家證明他不只是一個長得好看的花瓶,而是擁有不可斗量內涵的藝術家。

A charming man or an exceptional man. Whatever how many titles you gave to him, Richard Biedul is always the one who is being chased by photographers, the one who always can be seen during fashion weeks and most importantly, he is the wanted man in fashion industry.

Be a model wasn't the first choice of Richard Biedul. Actually, before he became a model, Biedul was a lawyer until his age 27. But since then, his life had a mighty changed from loads of law to the brill fashion. Even though we have barely heard about stories of his lawyer' life, however, through the power of social media, we can get closer with him via his Instagram and his magnificent works through lenses.

If you already know Richard Biedul, then you definitely will figure out that the following paragraphs are going to talk about his lifestyle.

Richard Biedul's Instagram has full of his works for fashion. You can easily catch this super model's charm from there. However, Biedul doesn't like other models who only upload flawless pictures. In fact, Biedul is the kind of man who loves to share his life to his followers. The best thing we can know is, Richard Biedul is an animal lover, his dachshund is accompany with him on his social media from time to time. Furthermore, he is also a traveller, his photo of his travel experience are always ace on social network.

A supermodel, a dog lover, a traveller how can't you say Richard Biedul is extraordinary?

But the story isn't soon end. The reason why Richard Biedul can embrass his success is because he isn't just a model. He is also a fashion creator. Recently, he was being seen from River island as a model and he styled himself. Moreover, he was the art and style director for Twenty6 Magazine's editorial 33mm. Include everything has being mentioned, these evidences can proved Richard Biedul is an unusual model. In fact,

Richard Biedul is an exceptional man.



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