這次的形象廣告充滿著故事性以及時尚未來的發展性;首張照片展現出 Perl 剛出身衣不蔽體的恐懼感,第二張照片卻呈現出18世紀畫作時的角色細節並且將 Perl 帶入整個故事裡頭;你可以看見即將出現這次故事中的每個角色以及Perl 的虛擬臀部。
Perl 的設計者想要表達出模特兒在時尚界的另一種面貌:儘管只是虛擬人物,但是在全身精光和在攝影團隊面前,不管是真實的模特兒還是虛擬的模特兒都會感到羞澀以及不自在。

用更深層意義解讀Afterhomework 的2018秋冬形象廣告則可以用 『鏡淵理論』再解釋,因為在這次形象廣告出現的人裡頭,雖然主要角色是 Perl,但是其他包含化妝師、髮型師、攝影師以及助理,都穿著Afterhomework 的最新服裝,反倒是主角身上一點衣服都沒有。
這一次Afterhomework 不挑戰了超人類主義更將時尚產業慣用的視覺效果套上電影產業的一套理論;對於這個在2014年成立的品牌而言,他不僅僅領先市場上的所有品牌更讓大家對於時尚下了全新的定義。
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The Afterhomework FW18/19 campaign puts on the spotlight for the first time a naked character from the artificial intelligence, @perl.www, created in France. On the first image, we see Perl in her birthday suit and intimidated. The second one is built as an 18th century painting, with detailed characters around a main stage, a virtual butt. The creators wanted to include this new kind of character in a fashion moment: she is naked, seems more human and looks embarrassed in front of her audience, which is the shooting team. This campaign is a ‘mise en abyme’. All the people on the pictures are friends of the label: a makeup artist, a hairstylist, a photographer and assistants who all wear the FW18/19 collection. They are all there to shoot a virtual girl who is not physically on the set. This situation creates a strange discrepancy, which perhaps evokes the not-so-far future way of working. It also challenges artificial intelligence, a very much discussed topic nowadays. By exposing Perl, Afterhomework questions the transhumanism and virtualisation of the world.
