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Kim Jones再次攜手Kenny Scharf,一場與迪奧先生的撲克牌局正在上演!/A poker game with Mr.Dior and Kenny Scharf

Josh Lin

Shawn Stussy、KAWS、空山基以及Daniel Arsham,與藝術家合作一向是Dior的拿手好戲,而繼Dior 男裝創意總監 Kim Jones與Kenny Scharf 推出 2021 早秋男裝系列後,今次雙方將再度攜手合作,推出富含遊戲氛圍的膠囊系列,並同時展現出這位美國藝術家專屬的繽紛、科幻美學。

在此次新推出的Dior X Kenny Scharf系列中,不僅體現Dior對藝術的熱愛,更透過Dior Oblique圖騰打造而成的撲克牌,向熱愛紙牌遊戲的迪奧先生致敬。而系列的主角撲克牌不僅有著獨立編號、透明鑲邊以及特殊花色之外,更附有做工精細的銀製卡盒得以保存這全球限量500組撲克牌組。

經過重塑後的紅心 A、國王和皇后圖案貫穿主題,融入了頭巾、方巾等配飾,相互搭配形成對比,展現個人主張 ; 粉紅和藍色襯衫、T恤、束腰短夾克和牛仔外套則加入標誌性的 Dior Oblique 圖騰,不只充滿驚喜與青春氣息,更能感受到系列設計的滿滿玩心。

不僅如此, 在同系列的首飾、披肩和漁夫帽都能看到Dior草寫字樣的身影,時時彰顯出Dior不忘時尚、個性的宣言,並為夏日穿搭增添許多趣味。


Shawn Stussy, KAWS, Hajime Sorayama, and Daniel Arsham. Collaborating with artists has always been Dior's speciality. Following the launch of the 2021 pre-fall menswear collection by the creative directors of Dior menswear, Kim Jones and Kenny Scharf, the two parties once again jointly launched a game-like capsule collection, which also shows the unique colourful and sci-fi aesthetics style of this American artist.

In the newly launched DIOR AND KENNY SCHARF collection, not only reflects Dior's love for art, but also a playing card made with Dior Oblique totem, paying tribute to Mr Dior who loves card games. The protagonist playing cards of this series not only have independent numbers, transparent frames and special colours but also come with an elaborate silver card box to save 500 sets of playing cards in the world.

In the reshaped heart A, the king and queen run through the theme, incorporating accessories such as headscarves, squares, contrast with each other, highlighting personal opinions. Pink and blue shirts, T-shirts, short tunic jackets and denim jackets are added to the iconic The Dior Oblique totem is not only full of surprises and youthfulness but also full of playfulness in the collection design.

Not only that, in the same collection, the accessories; shawls and fisherman hats, you can also see Dior's cursive script, which demonstrates Dior's declaration of not forgetting fashion and individuality, adding a lot of fun to summer wear.



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