西班牙品牌 44STUDIO 推出了2019 最新春夏形象廣告;
維持一貫的中性設計,但是依然使用了大膽的色塊設計,在充滿幾何圖形的服裝上,你可以看出 44 Studio 展現自身品牌核心理念的野心,更在相互依偎的模特兒身上取得巧妙的視覺構圖;對於44 Studio 而言,在這一次的2019春夏形象廣告中或許要表達的不僅是時裝中男性與女性間的相互連結更傳達出春夏中大自然裡花的力量。
這一次的形象廣告 44 Studio 找來了攝影師 Javier Castán 拍攝,完整地表達出對於自然間與時裝界的巧妙平衡點。

Spanish fashion brand, 44STUDIO, unveiled 2019 spring/summer campaign.
Maintaining their consistent neutral design, but still using very colourful geometric blocks in their spring/summer collection. You can see 44 Studio's ambition to showcase the DNA of brand. In this campaign, models rely on each other, the visual effect is taking the perfect balance between tenderness and tough. For 44 Studio, this 2019 spring and summer campaign not only present the interaction between men and women in fashion industry but also the power of nature in spring and summer.
This Campaign is shot by Javier Castán.
