這一次發表的風格將1968年的樣貌重新塑造,使得千禧世代和五十年前的時空平行交錯,而這一系列的主題 "EACH ONE TEACH ONE" ˊ則是反映出戰後嬰兒潮那個世代,一個具有強大聲浪以及運動浪潮的世代。
如果光從服裝造型來看的話;3.PARADIS 一貫的注重布料、製成、外型以及任何想像得到細節;當然,從1968年至今的革命氛圍也加重在整體的服裝造型上面。

"EACH ONE, TEACH ONE" 這個系列不只是將時空交錯後的概念產物,而是透過這個系列預測未來千禧世代將會面臨的未來事件;當今時空下的革命。

說到更重點一些,這一次 3.PARADIS 透過已故攝影師Irving Penn在1968年所拍攝的一系列作品而得到設計靈感;為了就是映射出現在千禧世代將要嘅掌控這個世界,畢竟戰後嬰兒潮世代可以成功扭轉世界,為什麼千禧世代不行呢?
為了使得這一次的概念完整,找來了同屬千禧世代的攝影師 Fabien Montique,透過 Irving Penn 所得到的啟發,所有的模特兒都身處在一個角落拍攝,目的就是為了呈現出這個角落是屬於模特兒的避難所。
3.PARADIS 的 2018秋冬男裝 Lookbook 創造了屬於自己的聲音以及反映出新世代的處境。
如果仔細審視這一組照片,你不難發現,3.PARADIS 是如何透過舊世代而產生靈感,並且創造出屬於自己的未來。

(All Looks/完整系列)
3.PARADIS AW18 collection entitled “EACH ONE TEACH ONE”.
Paralleling its views on the current societal state and the millennial generation, with the demeanour of the world in 1968 and the era of baby boomers, 3.PARADIS' Fall / Winter 2018 collection entitled 'Each One, Teach One' is an open reflection on the powerful voice and movement of a generation. Layered with references and symbols, 3.PARADIS' collection is a poetic marriage of fabrics, finishes, shapes and details and heavily influenced by the 1968 youth counter culture and revolutionary ideas of the past and the present. It focuses on topics which transcend the notion of time - violence, oppression, freedom, power, unity, peace, love. 'Each One, Teach One' is not only an examination of the similarities between one era to another, but more so a prediction of the upcoming uprising of the millennial generation; a present day revolution. "As it was before, so it shall be again" For the lookbook, we decided to make a parallel with the work of Irving Penn, a very popular photographer during 1968, Irving Penn. The goal is to display our new collection as a metaphor of us Millennials being being in charge of the world of tomorrow as baby boomers did. We highlighted this by revisiting the series of corner photography by Irving Penn and re-interpreting them through the lens of photographer Fabien Montique, a millennial kid. By limiting the space with two corner-assembled wood panels, we created a refuge for our models. With this lookbook, we are recreating our own classic, being a voice of the new generation. Journeying back to our roots, 3.PARADIS aims to inspire youth and the upcoming creatives similarly to how we have been inspired by the older generation.
Photography by Fabien Montique Styling by Vanille Verloës
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